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Senosios plytinės ring and Saulėtekio stadium

Saulėtekis is a district of the Lithuanian capital Vilnius in Antakalnis , northeast of the city center. The microrajon originated in Soviet Lithuania . Here is the campus of the Vilniaus universitetas .

Location and location

Saulėtekis consists of " Niujorkas " and " Kamčiatka ". In "Niujorkas" are the faculties of physics , law , communication , economics of VU, the Vilnius University Business School and Vilnius Technical University (VGTU), sports hall and six student dormitories (16 floors each) of VU, Saulėtekio slėnis . In "Kamčiatka" there are two student dormitories (each 12 floors) and a 5-floor dormitory of the VGTU, 4-5 floor dormitories of the VU, bakery, basketball playground, bus and trolleybus ring from Vilniaus troleibusai and Vilniaus autobusai .

Web links

Commons : Saulėtekis  - collection of images, videos and audio files