Creative phase

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A creative phase or creative period describes a more or less precisely defined section in a person's life's work. The terms are mostly used in connection with the work of authors and artists , in the field of art more frequently with visual arts and music , less often with performing arts.

Creation phases can be structured in terms of time (“the works between 1918 and 1933”), spatial (“the Paris works”) or thematically (“the blue period”). These classifications are usually not made by the artist himself. These are mostly attributions by others, for example biographers , literary scholars or art historians , which are made retrospectively. In this respect, such subdivisions of an oeuvre, an entire work , into individual sections can turn out completely different.

Early work and late work

The works of a creative person are often delimited as early , middle and late work . While the first work can usually be clearly identified, the division into early work and late work is not precisely defined. Their specific meanings can only be deduced from the context of their respective use. In connection with the late work, one often finds terms such as “matured” and “clarified”.

In music, however, this ripeness has often not led to the “sweetness” of the crop, but to very bitter fruits that seem inedible to the general public. One example is The Art of Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach (review: “Birth of ludicrous antiquity”). Tchaikovsky commented on Beethoven's last quartets , especially Op. 133 : “There is a glimmer, but nothing more. The rest is chaos, above which the spirit of this musical Jehovah hovers. ” Mahler's 7th and especially his 10th symphonies are also far ahead.

Early work and late work are also used

  • for the temporal classification within a genre , an art history genre ("an early work of the detective novel")
  • for a more precise classification within an art style ("a late work of classicism")


Web links

Wiktionary: late work  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations