Scarlet hawthorn

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Scarlet hawthorn
Crataegus pedicellata.jpg

Scarlet hawthorn ( Crataegus pedicellata )

Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Spiraeoideae
Tribe : Pyreae
Sub tribus : Pome fruit family (Pyrinae)
Genre : Hawthorns ( Crataegus )
Type : Scarlet hawthorn
Scientific name
Crataegus pedicellata

The scarlet hawthorn or scarlet mandrel ( Crataegus pedicellata , Syn .: Crataegus coccinea L., Crataegus intricata Lange ) is a plant from the genus of hawthorn ( Crataegus ) in the family of Rosaceae (Rosaceae). It is native to North America.

The species name is derived from the Latin word pedicellaris for 'short stalked' and refers to the stalked flowers.


The plant is native to eastern North America. In Central Europe , it is planted in (near-natural) hedges, on embankments and at the roadside and is considered industry-proof .


Flowers of the scarlet hawthorn ( Crataegus pedicellata )

Scarlet hawthorn grows as a broad shrub or up to 7 meters high, round-crowned tree , as a hedge very dense. The branches have irregularly distributed 3 to 5 centimeters long, almost straight thorns at a distance of a few centimeters . The leaves are coarse at the edge and often double-serrated and are yellow-orange in color as autumn leaves. The flowers appear in umbels in May, the ripe fruits can be harvested in September. They grow up to 1 centimeter in diameter, are scarlet red and have a sweet and sour taste.


The plant is cultivated in near-natural hedges or in gardens because of the fruit decorations and the colorful autumn leaves and is considered a valuable bird protection wood. The best hedge height is one to two meters, with a plant requirement of three to four per meter of hedge. It thrives on any fertile garden soil that is not too dry, in a sunny or shady location. The best time to plant is April or September / October. The fruits can be consumed fresh as wild fruits or processed into jams, compotes, liqueurs and in baked goods and fermented into alcoholic beverages.


  • Bundessortenamt: Descriptive list of varieties . Wild fruit, 1999, ISSN  1430-9378 , p. 49
  • Andreas Bärtels: Encyclopedia of the garden trees . Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3198-6 , p. 230
  • Dericks-Tan, Vollbrecht: On the trail of wild fruits in Europe . Abadi-Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-021129-4 , p. 290

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Genaust: Etymological dictionary of botanical plant names. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Birkhäuser, Basel / Boston / Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-7643-2390-6 , p. 465.
  2. ^ Franz Böhmig, Hans Preuße (illustrations): Advice for every garden day , Neumann-Verlag, Radebeul, 24th edition 1995, ISBN 3-7402-0157-6 , p. 428

Web links

Commons : Scarlet Hawthorn ( Crataegus pedicellata )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files