False gallicism

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The use of words in the German language that seem to come from French and are usually also pronounced in French are characterized as pseudo-gallicisms . However, these words are unknown in the French-speaking world.

Examples in the German language

"Mock French" French equivalent German meaning (of sham Gallicism)
Embarrassment (la) honte, (la) situation embarrassante embarrassing situation
hair stylist (le) coiffeur Hair clipper, barber
Sophistication (le) refined Refinement, sophistication
Rummy (le) rami (a deck of cards)
Amuse bouche (l ') amuse-gueule ( more rarely also: (l') amuse-bouche) Appetizers, culinary delights
Rigging (le) gréement rigging
Accessories (la) decoration Decoration, accessories
curtain (le) rideau curtain
offer (l ') offre offer
Jour fixe (la) réunion de travail régulière (or similar) Scheduled date

The word delicacy came into German as a sham Gallicism (délicatesse = fineness, delicacy, weakness ) and was sometimes given a German plural ending, which again came closer to the rather rare French “des délicatesses” = delicacy . As a label for delicatessen shops, the word came to New York mainly through Jewish delicatessen dealers , where it is used exclusively with the German plural ending in the sense of “delicatessen”, “upscale self-service fast food”. There is also the corresponding plural form "Delicatessens". Due to the widespread tendency towards abbreviations in American English, it became “ Deli ”, which in this form now penetrates German again as Anglicism .

See also