Turtle snail

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Turtle snail
Housing of Testudinalia testudinalis

Housing of Testudinalia testudinalis

Subclass : Eogastropoda
Order : Patellogastropoda
Superfamily : Lottioidea
Family : Lottiidae
Genre : Testudinalia
Type : Turtle snail
Scientific name
Testudinalia testudinalis
( OV Müller , 1776)
View of the housing from below

The turtle snail ( Testudinalia testudinalis , syn .: Acmaea testudinalis ) is a snail from the Lottiidae family that lives in the circumboreal region , including in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.


The solid-shell, conical, bowl-shaped housing is up to 2 cm long, 1.5 cm wide and 8 mm high in adult snails. The apex is relatively far ahead. The surface of the housing is yellow-white or darker with brown radiating spots. The inside has no pearlescent finish. Like the limpets (Patellidae), the snail has no operculum .

The white snail has a broad, egg-shaped foot, a large head and long antennae, at the base of which are the eyes. The outer lips on the mouth have a narrow, stiff edge, while a broad, lobed area below delimits the mouth. The hem of the coat is copper green and has two staggered rows of short extensions.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The turtle snail occurs circumboreally in the northern Pacific , Atlantic , North Sea and western Baltic Sea . There it lives on hard floors and stones below the intertidal zone to a depth of about 50 m.

Way of life

The animals graze on crust-forming red algae , including those of the genus Lithothamnion .

Individual evidence

  1. Erwin Stresemann (Ed.): Excursions fauna. Invertebrates I. SH Jaeckel: Mollusca . Volk und Wissen, Berlin 1986. S. 117. Schildkrötenschnecke, Acmaea testudinalis (OF Müller).


  • Rainer Willmann: Mussels and snails of the North and Baltic Seas. Neumann, Neudamm 1989, ISBN 3-7888-0555-2 .
  • Philippe Bouchet, Jean-Pierre Rocroi: Part 2. Working classification of the Gastropoda. In: Malacologia. 47, pp. 239-283, Ann Arbor 2005 ISSN  0076-2997

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