Battle of Langres

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Battle of Langres
date 298
place Langres , France
output Victory of the Romans
Parties to the conflict

Roman Empire



Constantius I.

Troop strength
unknown unknown


allegedly 60,000

The Battle of Langres was founded in 298 in the area of the Gallic tribe of Lingones the modern city Langres between Alemanni and Romans under Emperor I. Constantius held.

The dispute began with a defeat for Constantius: he was suddenly attacked and only accompanied by a small force by a band of Alemanni and put to flight. The wounded emperor could only save himself to the nearby Roman city of Andemattunum by climbing over the city walls with the help of a rope - the gates were already closed. The subsequent siege lasted only five hours, however, because the Roman relief army soon reached the city and killed 60,000 Alamanni - a number that the Roman historians could exaggerate to make the Roman victory appear more glamorous.

