Battle of Szczekociny

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Battle of Szczekociny
Battle of Szczekociny, Michał Stachowicz
Battle of Szczekociny, Michał Stachowicz
date June 6, 1794
place Szczekociny
output Russian-Prussian victory
Parties to the conflict

Tadeusz Kościuszko

Alexander Tormassow
Franz Andreas von Favrat

Troop strength
15,000 soldiers
24 guns
26,500 soldiers
124 guns

over 1200 soldiers

Minimal losses

The Battle of Szczekociny (also: Rawka ) took place on June 6, 1794 in a suburb of the city of Szczekociny (in Lesser Poland ) between the Polish and an alliance of Prussian and Russian armed forces during the Kościuszko uprising .

The Poles were led by Tadeusz Kościuszko . Alexander Tormassow led the opposing troops. General Tormassow had previously participated in the Turkish War from 1787 to 1792 . General Franz Andreas von Favrat led the Prussians . He was a staunch advocate of the use of artillery, which favored victory.


After Russia's defeat in the Battle of Racławice , the Prussians joined the Russians to help them put down the Polish uprising. On June 6th, General Wodzicki noted in his diary: "It is impossible that Denisov had gathered such troops can. Something is wrong with my eyes, I see Prussia. " Kościuszko had relied on Prussian neutrality. The Russians provided the left and the Prussians the right flank.


Prussians and Russians brought about 26,500 soldiers to the field, the Poles 15,000. The Poles were mainly defeated by cannon fire. The peasant hero Wojciech Bartosz Głowacki was killed in battle. General Adam Poniński , General Antoni Madaliński , General Jan Grochowski and Duke Eustachy Sanguszko also took part in the battle. In addition to Głowacki, two generals also died in the battle: Józef Wodzicki and Jan Grochowski. General Sanguszko found Kościuszko on the battlefield, who said he wanted to die here. However, he was brought to safety.


Kościuszko's troops had to retreat to Warsaw, while Prussians and Russians captured Krakow on June 15. Austria then invaded Poland from the south. The Polish uprising was then reduced to defending Warsaw.


  • Andrzej Grabski, Jan Wimmer and others: Zarys dziejów wojskowości polskiej do roku 1864. Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Warsaw 1966.
  • Marian Kukiel: Zarys historii wojskowości w Polsce. Puls, London 1993, ISBN 0-907587-99-2 .
  • Andrzej Zahorski: Wypisy źródłowe do historii polskiej sztuki wojennej. Polska sztuka wojenna w okresie powstania kościuszkowskiego. tenth issue. Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Warsaw 1960.
  • Bolesław Twardowski: Wojsko Polskie Kościuszki w roku 1794. Księgarnia Katolicka, Poznań 1894.
  • Mała Encyklopedia Wojskowa. Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Warsaw 1967, ( Wydanie I Tom II).
  • Albert Constantin Gotthilf von Treskow: Contribution to the history of the Polish Revolution in 1794: Campaign of the Prussians. P. 85ff. (

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k A. Storozynski: The Peasant Prince. St. Martin's Press, New York 2009, ISBN 978-0-312-38802-7 .