Beat the Raab (game)

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Beat the Raab: The Game
Game data
author Max Kirps
publishing company Ravensburger
Publishing year 2009
Art various
Teammates 2 to 6
Duration 45 - 90 minutes
Age from 12 years


Game of games 2010: hit games with friends

Schlag den Raab is a board game by Max Kirps , which was published in 2009 by Ravensburger Verlag . It is based on the television show Schlag den Raab . The game won the 2010 Game of Games award in the Games Hit With Friends category .

Style of play

In the game, one player takes on the role of Stefan Raab , the other players together play the role of his opponent. Then up to 15 games are played against each other, with the first game giving one point, the second two points and so on. While Stefan Raab competes in every game, the rest of them play cooperatively. They can decide who plays which game, and everyone must have been there once before all players are available again. In addition, the Stefan player can select a certain player as an opponent from the opposing team three times during the game. The games are divided into three categories, which take turns. The game can be freely selected from 36 possibilities or it can be drawn with the help of a top. Whoever has an unrecoverable lead (at least 61 points) or is ahead after 15 games wins the game.

The 36 games in alphabetical order:

Surname Brief description
license plate The cities have to be named for German license plates
Cups A gaming chip must be dropped or thrown from a standing position into a cup on the floor
Embarrassing or cashing in Quick quiz questions asked by the moderator must be answered, the faster player receives one point, and if the answer is wrong, the opponent receives one point
Letter counting The number of letters in long, read words must be stated
Spell Words have to be spelled backwards
Carrom With the help of a large chip, the three chips in their own color must be flicked into the holes in the box
Chip flip A chip lying on the edge of the table must be flicked into a cup
Curling A chip must be shot as close as possible to the target with the help of a rubber band
Can shooting A small stand must be shot down with the help of a cannon
Egg run You have to run a race with a rubber egg tucked between your legs
Egg game An egg-shaped bouncy ball must be thrown on the ground and then caught again
English soccer A chip has to be flipped through two more chips. As long as this succeeds, it's your turn, the goal is to push as often as possible into the opposing goal
Flags The countries belonging to the flags must be named
golf With as few attempts as possible, a small chip has to be flicked into a hole in a cardboard card with the help of a larger chip
High shot The smaller chip has to be flicked over a bar with the help of a larger chip, which is raised after each successful attempt
Jakkolo Eight chips must be shot as profitably as possible into four tunnels with the values ​​1–4
Card duel The players play concealed and at the same time a card with a numerical value. Whoever plays the higher card wins both cards, whoever has more cards wins the game
Card blows Cards have to be blown alternately from a pile. Whoever blows away the last card loses
catapult With the help of a catapult, your own character must be transported as profitably as possible into the box, which is divided into four parts
pack suitcase Face cards are turned up alternately, the active player has to name all previous cards from memory in the correct order until one of them makes a mistake
Stage name It must be mentioned the stage name of stars after their real name was mentioned
Song hums The moderator must guess pre-hummed songs
Mäxchen It is rolled alternately, face down with two dice. The aim is to get a higher number than before, with the higher number indicating the tens and the lower number indicating the units. If this is not the case, then you have to bluff. If a bluff is blown, the opponent scores a point, if you didn't lie you get the point. Pasch and the result 2-1 ( Mäxchen ) are higher than other results
Memory You have to find as many pairs of cards lying face down on the table as possible
Feature! Nine picture cards are revealed one after the other, which the players must memorize. Then the moderator asks questions about the objects shown
Paper planes A paper plane must be folded that will sail further than that of the opponent
Blowball At the same time an attempt is made to blow a table tennis ball over the opposing line
Estimate A tip must be given to an estimation question that is as close as possible to the correct answer
Chopping A beer mat must be thrown into the game box alternately from a distance of three meters
Type case A grid of 25 picture cards is laid out, which the players memorize and then add from memory
slalom A table tennis ball has to be blown through a course as quickly as possible
Right You have to type whether the statements read out by the moderator are correct or not
Goal wall A chip has to be flicked through the hole in a small goal wall
When was it? You have to guess the year of historical events
Where is what? The moderator reads out information about a location, the players have to place their pawn on the quadrant on a map (Germany or Europe) in order to get as close as possible to the actual location
roll the dice The players take turns rolling the dice as often as they like with one dice. Whoever scores a six loses all points made in the round; whoever reaches 50 points first wins


  • The single game embarrassing or cashing contains over 300 new questions. It's based on a game that was totally introduced on the show TV . It can be played alone or together with the main game.
  • The game Speedpuzzle can also be played alone or as an extension.

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