School of Rick

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Episode of the series Rick and Morty
title School of Rick
Original title pilot
Country of production United States
original language English
classification Season 1, Episode 1
1st episode overall ( list )
First broadcast December 2nd, 2013 on Adult Swim
first broadcast
November 30, 2014 on TNT Series
Director Justin Roiland
script Justin Roiland
Dan Harmon
Guest appearance (s)

Successor  →
The Lawnmower Dog

School of Rick (Original title: Pilot ) is the first episode of the animated series Rick and Morty . It was written by the show's creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, and Roiland also directed. The episode was first broadcast on December 2, 2013 on Adult Swim , the German premiere was on November 30, 2014 on TNT series . As the first episode, it introduces the five main characters in particular.


One night, Rick Sanchez, an elderly, brilliant scientist, comes into his grandson Morty's room heavily drunk, pulls him out of his bed and takes him with him in his spaceship, because he has a surprise for him. He is of the opinion that the earth needs a restart, and he has built a neutrino bomb that is supposed to wipe out all humans except Morty and his classmate Jessica as Adam and Eve. Morty argues that she hardly pays him any attention. He tries to rectify the situation and can land the flying object before Rick reveals to him that it was just a test to get Morty to become more assertive. Shortly afterwards, Rick passes out and the bomb switches on a signal sound. The outcome of this detour is not shown to the viewer.

The next morning the Smith family sits together at the breakfast table. Beth reveals that Rick has only recently re-entered her life. Morty is very tired from the night out, but does not tell his parents why. His sister Summer correctly suspects that he was out again with her grandfather at night, which leads to a verbal argument between Rick and his son-in-law Jerry. The former is of the opinion that school is not for smart people and therefore Morty does not have to have slept in for it.

Later in school, the math teacher Mr. Goldenfold orders a test. However, Morty falls asleep and dreams of numbers before his classmate Jessica appears to him in a dream. She asks him to touch her breasts, which Morty transfers to the real world in his subconscious and therefore does this with Mr. Goldenfold. Later in the corridor he is attacked by Frank Palicky, an obvious schoolyard thug, but quickly rescued by his grandfather, who freezes Frank. Rick convinces his grandson to drop history in order to support him on a mission in another dimension, which he does. Frank, who is still frozen, is approached shortly afterwards by Summer, who obviously likes him, but shortly afterwards falls apart into tiny pieces.

At work, Beth is doing an open heart operation on a horse when her husband Jerry wants to pick her up for lunch, which she refuses because she is busy. She gets angry when Jerry realizes it's just a horse. Jerry suggests that he move his father-in-law to a nursing home, which Beth turns down furiously.

Rick and Morty meanwhile reach dimension 35-C through a portal, which is represented as extremely colorful and with strangely shaped rocks. The former tells Morty that he needs so-called mega-seeds from the mega-trees growing there for his research. Morty is initially plagued by fear, which Rick tries to talk him out of, but is suddenly interrupted by a spider-like monster that also scares him. You can escape, but very soon encounter more monsters that Rick portrays as unique, like in Exuberance Morty. Soon afterwards, the two of them reach a cliff with mega-trees in the valley. While Morty asks for details about the mega seeds, which Rick doesn't answer, he gives him special shoes to use to go down the cliff. Before Rick can warn him that they have to be switched on first, Morty falls down the cliff and breaks both legs.

Back at the Smiths, Jerry and Beth are still debating Jerry's decision to move Rick to a retirement home. Beth suspects that Jerry wants to take the family away from her after Rick has just re-entered her life. Jerry, on the other hand, argues that her father would have had a bad influence on her son and therefore had to go. Beth then says that Morty had problems at school even before her father moved in and that it is more important to her that he has at least one boyfriend in her father. Their argument is interrupted when Headmaster Vagina answers the phone and asks the parents to talk to them about their son.

Meanwhile, in Dimension 35-C, Morty lies on the ground with his broken legs in great pain, while Rick explains to him how easy it was to descend the cliff after he switched on his boots. Morty complains about his grandfather's ignorance of his injuries and that he is all about the mega seeds at all costs. Thereupon Rick leaves the dimension through a portal and after a few seconds he returns with a serum from a more advanced dimension, which he injects Morty and immediately heals his legs. Morty is enthusiastic about it and immediately forgets his anger. Morty can then get the seeds from the mega-tree, while Rick explains to him that he has been to a place where all people have been kept artificially young, he himself was worshiped because of his older age and because of the fact that time is in that dimension passed much faster and his portal gun therefore no longer has a battery. So you can't go straight back to Earth and would have to go through the galactic customs. Morty is supposed to hide the seeds in his rectum to smuggle them through customs. Rick himself has already done this too often, which is why his rectum is no longer tight enough.

At school, Morty's parents are meanwhile informed by Headmaster Vagina that Morty has only been at school for seven hours in the last two months, which Jerry briefly glorifies in his favor in order to win his argument against Beth. The reports of his absence were therefore always brought to Rick, which is why Mort's parents were ignorant of it.

Morty is to be randomly scanned at the galactic customs. To their regret, he and Rick discover that the insect-like customs officers are using a new scanner that can detect contraband in rectals. Rick and Morty then flee, past all kinds of extra-dimensional beings, pursued by the security officers. Rick hinders the chasers by adding multiple glitches along the way to slow the chasers down. Soon afterwards, the two of them reach an escape portal. However, Rick first has to enter the coordinates of the earth, while Morty is supposed to stop the pursuers with gun violence. Morty doesn't want to shoot anyone, however, so Rick tells him that these are only robots and that they can be shot. After a pursuer is hit by Morty and remains seriously injured on the ground, Rick says he only said this because he wouldn't take bureaucrats seriously. After another brief exchange of fire, Rick was able to enter the coordinates. You end up in the cafeteria of Morty's High School, right in front of Jessica's eyes, which impresses her very much. However, the principal and Morty's parents are also present.

Back home, Jerry and Beth start moving Rick's things out of the garage, his place of work, and moving to a retirement home. Rick disagrees with it at all and presents himself as a genius. During the argument, Jerry reveals that Morty has a learning disability, which Rick considers unlikely as he sees him as very intelligent. He quickly asks him what the square root of pi is and what the first law of thermodynamics is, which Morty can recite immediately and as if he had learned it by heart. Rick says Morty would learn a lot more from their adventures. His parents are thrilled. After they leave the garage, Rick reveals to his grandson that nothing he said to his parents is true, that he is actually "stupid" and that only the mega seeds in his rectum have given him temporary intelligence. A side effect, however, is that the seeds dissolve after three hours, bringing his brain function to a standstill and his motor skills, which happens exactly the second Rick has just said. Because of this, they would have to go back again to get new mega seeds while Rick explains how many adventures they will have together.


The episode received mixed to positive reviews and was seen by around 1.1 million people when it first aired. Zach Handlen from the AV Club says: “The viewer is never allowed to forget the dark implications of Rick's ambitions. Which means there are still stakes, which makes the jokes funnier and keeps the stories interesting. "

Screen Rant's Jason Taby compares the pilot with successful series like Doctor Who or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .

useful information

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Douglas Pucci: Adult Swim Weekly Ratings Scorecard (December 2-8, 2013) . TV Media Insights. December 10, 2013.
  2. 'Rick and Morty' Series Premiere Review .