Schrebera trichoclada

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Schrebera trichoclada
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Olive family (Oleaceae)
Genre : Schrebera
Type : Schrebera trichoclada
Scientific name
Schrebera trichoclada

Schrebera trichoclada is a species of the olive family. It occurs in central to southern Africa and in Madagascar .


Schrebera trichoclada grows as a small tree or large bush and reaches a height of about 10 meters. The trunk is up to 30 centimeters thick. The rough bark is cracked and brownish.

The simple, opposite and stalked leaves are ovate to elliptical. They are up to 14 centimeters long, the tip is rounded to pointed, the leaf margin is whole and often a little wavy. The leaves are slightly bristly underneath.

The stalked inflorescences are terminal and zymös . There are small and sloping bracts under the inflorescences. The stalked, salver-shaped flowers are hermaphroditic with a double flower envelope , they are usually six-fold. The green, more or less fine-haired calyx is small and bell-shaped with small, irregular tips. The pale yellowish to whitish and free, obovate to elliptical, more or less rounded corolla lobes are mostly laid back and have a reddish-brown area of ​​fine and short hair inside, in the lower area, from the throat. The long, tubular corolla tube is greenish. The two-chamber ovary is on top with a long stylus , usually enclosed in the corolla tube, with a cephalic, elongated stigma . The almost seated, usually only two stamens sit inside and above in the corolla tube in the throat.

Brownish, narrow-pear-shaped and bilateral, loculicidal and woody capsule fruits are formed, which open in two columns at the bottom and in the middle. A compressed partition is formed from the undeveloped seeds in the middle of the individual compartments . The fruits are up to about 6 centimeters long and up to 2.5 centimeters wide, they have isolated, small "warts". The individual, flat, mostly four seeds are elliptical with a longer, pointed and membranous wing on one side, they are up to 4–5 centimeters long.


The first description was in 1869 by Friedrich Welwitsch in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27:41, t. 15. Synonyms are Nathusia golungensis (Welw.) Kuntze , Nathusia trichoclada (Welw.) Kuntze , Schrebera affinis Lingelsh. , Schrebera buchananii Baker , Schrebera golungensis Welw. , Schrebera koiloneura Gilg , Schrebera oligantha Gilg , Schrebera platyphylla Gilg , Schrebera schellenbergii Lingelsh.


  • A. Engler : The plant kingdom. IV. 243, volume 72, Oleaceae - Oleoideae - Syringeae , Engelmann, 1920, p. 98 f, online at Biblioteca digital del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schrebera trichoclada at PROTA (under Description), accessed on April 18, 2019.
  2. online at