School board

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A school committee is a technical committee of a parliament or a municipal representative body that deals with questions of the school system within the meaning of Article 7 of the Basic Law in the relevant regional authority .

In addition, in Germany there is the school committee of the Standing Conference .

In Rhineland-Palatinate , a “school committee” is also called a representative body for teachers, parents and students in a school. In most of the other countries of the Federal Republic of Germany, this institution is referred to as the “ school conference ”.

School committees as organs of the legislature in representative democracy

According to Articles 30 and 74 of the Basic Law, school policy is largely a matter for the federal states. Fundamental questions of school policy are decided in the state parliaments of the respective federal states. These pass the school laws of their federal state. The resolutions are prepared in the technical committee, which is responsible for questions of school policy and is usually colloquially called the "school committee". Its exact name varies from state to state.

At all levels (federal state, district, city or municipality), technical committees, including the school committees, reflect the majority relationships in the representative bodies of the regional authority concerned.

School committees as organs of local self-government

As part of the Local Self-Government under Art. 28 of the Basic Law are counties , cities and municipalities responsible for the operation of public schools in its catchment area whose support they or school associations of several municipalities therefore usually are. Decisions about these schools are made by the district councils and the city or local councils. This regulation was decided on March 11, 1949 at a three-zone conference for school administration reform in Comburg .

District meetings

There are also technical committees at the (regional) district level as committees of the district council of the respective (regional) district. The exact designation of the committees generally known as the “school committee” varies from (rural) district to (rural) district. The school committees of the (rural) districts are responsible for school development planning as well as for the schools in the sponsorship of the district concerned.

cities and communes

The school committees of the cities and municipalities, as technical committees, prepare the decisions of the main committee or administrative committee and the city or municipal council of their local authority. They are responsible for the schools in their municipality. Up until immediately after the Second World War, the school committees of the communities were called school boards .

School committee of the Standing Conference

The school committee of the Standing Conference was held on the occasion of the 5th plenary meeting of the KMK on 19./20. Established October 1948 as a standing committee. The school committee consists of representatives from all federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany , usually the heads of the school departments of the ministries of education or the corresponding senate administrations of the city states. As a rule, the school committee meets four times a year for two-day meetings, at which current joint school issues are discussed and prepared for a decision in the plenary or the KMK's office heads conference, and if unanimous, in certain cases also as resolutions of the KMK.

School committees in Rhineland-Palatinate

The position of the school committee as the representation of the teachers, the parents and the pupils of a school results from § 48 of the "State Law on Schools in Rhineland-Palatinate".

There it says: "The school committee can be heard,

  1. before the school is expanded, restricted or closed,
  2. before a name is given or the name of the school is changed,
  3. before the school is involved in school trials,
  4. before the threat of expulsion or the expulsion of a student,
  5. in the case of objections to decisions of the school at the request of the objector.

The school director is appointed in consultation with the school committee. "

The school committee includes:

  1. the headmaster as chairman, with an advisory vote,
  2. three to nine representatives of teachers, students and parents in the same ratio,
  3. at vocational schools one representative each for the employees and the employer.

Individual evidence

  1. Description of the school committee . KMK side; Retrieved December 11, 2011
  2. ^ State law on schools in Rhineland-Palatinate . rlp online and juris