School conference

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The school conference (in Bavaria School Forum , in Lower Saxony School board and in Rhineland-Palatinate school board is called) the ultimate decision-making body to cooperate or to schools , are included in the teachers, parents and students. Their establishment is regulated in Germany in the school laws of the federal states. The composition and the rights of participation of this body vary.

Today's school conferences


In the minimum composition, the school principal , the chairman of the parents' council , a teacher and (in the case of secondary schools) the student representative are members of the school conference. Depending on the size of the school, the groups involved are represented by additional members, with teachers, parents and students either being represented equally or more weighting on the part of teachers or parents. Often the headmaster is responsible for the chairmanship.


Depending on the state law, the school conference has tasks of varying scope, which are regulated by a catalog of tasks. Important tasks can be:

  • Instruction on all topics relevant to the school
  • Decision on the school's financial budget
  • Exercise of the school's right to participate in filling the post of headmaster
  • Establishment of rules of procedure for class attendants and class parent representatives
  • Planning and implementation of educational days
  • Right to have a say in dismissals of students
  • Resolutions about the non-teaching Saturday and / or flexible holidays

The right to information and the right to be heard are important for parent and student representatives. The information that is presented here enables effective parenting advice work, as the interests of the school authorities, school authorities, teachers and parents or students are different. The school conference sessions are not open to the public.

Regulations in individual federal states


The school conference is set up at all public schools in Baden-Württemberg . The number of members depends on the size of the school. Since the 2014/15 school year, teachers, parents and students have been sending the same number of representatives to the school conference. The new regulation fulfills an announcement from the coalition agreement and provides that in schools with at least 14 teachers in the school conference, in addition to the headmaster, the chairman of the parents' council and the student representative, the teachers, parents and students are each represented with three seats. Equal participation is also regulated for smaller schools.

Before this school year, the teachers and the headmaster had a majority. With the third parity that has now been decided, one group can no longer assert itself on its own. Decisions that have to be decided by the school conference now require a consensus between teachers, parents and students and thus experience broad legitimation. Students who are members of the school conference must be at least seventh grade.

The school conference decides, among other things, on the requirement of budget funds from the school authority, the house rules, the implementation of educational days and participation in school experiments.

When filling school head positions, a four-person selection committee is involved in the selection process for school head appointments. The commission consists of a representative sent by the school authority and a representative from the school conference. There are also two representatives from the school inspectorate. The school supervisory authority's final right to decide on the filling of vacancies continues to exist, so that the civil service principle of selecting the best is preserved.


see school forum


The school conference consists of 14 members: 4 parent spokespersons who are elected to the school conference by the GEV (GesamtElternVersammlung), 4 teachers, 4 pupils (in elementary school from grades 5 and 6 in an advisory capacity), the headmaster and an outside person ( e.g. a business representative). The members are elected for a two-year term.

The school conference is determined by a two-thirds majority u. a. on the use of the allocated personnel and material resources, the school program and the duration of the school week. A simple majority votes on school trials, the start of lessons and the house rules. When appointing new positions (headmaster, vice principal, head of department), the school conference can make a proposal for appointment.

Lower Saxony

see school board


see school committee


In Saxony, the school conference (SK) is the highest participation and decision-making body. She is given an extraordinary position. The basis for the work of the SK is the "School Conference Ordinance for the Free State of Saxony" ( SchulKonfVO ). This stipulates that the headmaster , the chairman of the parents' council and the student representative must always be members of the school conference. There are also 4 other members from the general teachers 'conference , 3 elected representatives from the parents' council and 3 appointed members from the student council . In total there are 12 people with voting rights. The headmaster is the chairman of the SK, but not entitled to vote. The chairman of the parent council assumes the role of deputy chairman. He is entitled to vote. The secretary is appointed by the chairman of the meeting. The school conference has a quorum if 2/3 of the members are present. A simple majority is sufficient for votes .

In addition to the functions mentioned above, the school conference has an influence on the all-day program and the house rules .


In Saxony-Anhalt , the overall conference (to which all teachers in a school as well as representatives of the parents and students belong) performs tasks that the school conference in other federal states fulfills. The parity (teachers: parents: students = 2: 1: 1), as it often occurs at a school conference, is achieved by the overall conference in Saxony-Anhalt through a correspondingly high number of parent and student representatives. Due to the size of the body, the overall conference in Saxony-Anhalt differs significantly from school conferences in other federal states.

Prussian School Conferences 1890 and 1900

At the end of the 19th century there were two congresses called school conferences in Prussia . The December Conference 1890 and the June Conference 1900 . Representatives of school administrations, members of parliament, senior church officials, scientists and representatives of some associations took part in these conferences in Berlin. The topic was the reorganization of the humanistic grammar schools, the Realgymnasien and the Realschulen. The Prussian Girls' School Conference met in 1906.

See also


  • Parents yearbook 2006, handbook for parents and parents' councils in Baden-Württemberg; Jürgen Borstendorfer, Dr. Johannes Rux, Michael Rux

Web links


  1. Berlin School Act for the School Conference ( Memento of the original from April 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 96 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. cf. § 5 of the conference ordinance of August 2, 2005  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 42 kB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  3. ^ Heinrich Schulz: On the period of life from 1892-1918. P. 17