Parent representation

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The parents 'representative body is a participatory body for parents in schools, day-care centers and other educational institutions and should not be confused with the parents' , support or development association . There is no single term for parents' groups in Germany, they are also depending on the state parents' council , parents' , parents' committee , parents Trustees or Parents' called.


The establishment of parent representatives is prescribed in the school laws of all federal states. Due to the educational sovereignty of the states, not only the names of the committees, but also the tasks and precise rights of participation are not regulated uniformly between the individual states. However, there are similar structures and goals nationwide. Parent representatives should enable a trusting cooperation between school and parental home and involve parents in all important decisions concerning the school. This applies in particular to the creation, updating or modification of educational concepts and the cost structure.


For public schools, the school laws of all federal states provide for regular meetings of all parents or legal guardians of a school class and the election of a speaker for this level. In addition, the representation of parents through elected bodies at school level as well as at regional and supra-regional level is anchored in the respective state school laws. The State Parents 'Councils work closely with the responsible ministries and, for their part, have set up the Federal Parents' Council (BER) as a joint working group and voluntary association (without special legal legitimation) .


The parents' representatives represent the legal guardians of the pupils in a school and act in an advisory capacity on matters that are of general importance to the school - in some federal states also in a decision-making manner. Thus, alongside other possible forms of parental participation, it represents a democratic body that takes joint responsibility for shaping the lives of children and students. The parent representatives work voluntarily and free of charge.

The tasks of the parents' representative include:

  • to protect the interests of parenthood,
  • To bundle the wishes and suggestions of the parents and to pass them on to the school management.
  • to take part in the deliberations of the school conference .

School authorities and school principals inform the parents' representatives about all matters that are of general importance for the school and provide all necessary information. Parents' representatives must be heard on certain matters.

Depending on the federal state, the participation also extends to detailed questions of school education and z. B. the selection of teaching materials or a suitable provider for school lunches, the provisions of the house rules and parts of the finances or the participation in determining a name for the school. The parents' representatives can also set their own tasks and in some federal states they are also the point of contact for questions about school buses and school guides or, if desired, they can also help resolve conflicts between individual parents and the school. The selection and organization of additional educational offers, such as language or ski courses, may also be the responsibility of the parents' representatives.

The specific tasks are based on the specific needs of the respective institution.

Design in individual German federal states


The Baden-Wuerttemberg School Act is the basis for the organization of parent representatives in Baden-Württemberg . At school class level, a class attendance meeting is required for every half-year, which includes not only the parents of the class but also the teachers who teach in the class. The parents elect a class parent representative and a representative from among themselves. The class parent representative can also convene meetings of the class attendants during the year and has the task of leading them.

The elected class parent representatives and deputies form the parent council. At least two meetings of the parents' council per school year are compulsory. The parents 'council elects the chairman of the parents' council from among its members and, as a rule, two other representatives for the school conference . The chairman of the parent council can also convene meetings of the parent council during the year and chair them.

The parents' council chairman of the schools of education authority form the overall Parent Council . Representatives of the different types of schools and administrative districts form the state parents' council .


According to Section IX "Institutions for helping to shape school life" of the Bavarian Law on Education and Instruction (BayEUG) , Parents 'representation (parents' council) is described in more detail in Article 64.

A parents' council is formed at all elementary schools, middle schools, secondary schools, business schools, grammar schools, technical colleges and vocational schools in Bavaria as well as at corresponding schools for special needs education. At vocational schools there is a parent representative on the vocational school advisory board.

The parents' council is the representation of the legal guardians of the students as well as the former legal guardians of adult students of a school. For every 50 pupils in a school - in elementary schools, secondary schools and special schools for 15 pupils each - a member of the parents' council must be elected; however, the parents' council has a minimum of five and a maximum of twelve members.

Since there is no statutory state parent representation in Bavaria, parents' associations under private law represent parents at the district and state level. These associations are school type-related, school type-independent or confessional.


According to Section 114 of the Schools Act, the tasks of the State Parents' Committee are to protect the interests of the parents and to prepare and coordinate the work of the State School Council. The state committees consist of the representatives elected in the respective district committees.

Two representatives of the teaching staff, pupils or legal guardians who are members of the district school advisory boards according to Section 111, Paragraph 1, Clause 3, belong to the respective state committee in an advisory capacity.

The voting members of each state committee elect a chairman and three deputies from among their number.


According to Article 56, Paragraph 6 of the Hessian Constitution, the legal guardians have the right to participate in the structuring of the teaching system at the Hessian schools.

First, the parents in a class together elect a parent representative, called the class parents' council. This must convene a parents' evening once every school semester . Parents' representatives at school level are called the School Parents' Advisory Board (SEB) and are made up of all class parents' councils. At the district level, the parents' representatives are called Kreiselternbeirat (KEB) or, in district-free cities, Stadtelternbeirat (StEB) and are formed from a certain number of members for each type of school (secondary school, grammar school, etc.). The State Parents 'Council of Hesse (LEB-Hessen) is formed from the district and city parents' councils. Their deputies are also determined according to the type of school. These elections take place in accordance with the provisions of the election regulations of July 14, 1993 as amended.

North Rhine-Westphalia

According to Article 10 (2) of the constitution for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia , the legal guardians participate in the organization of the school system through parent representatives; the school law for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (2005) regulates the parental involvement in concrete terms: In the individual school there is a class guardianship (Section 73 SchulG), a traditional term from the school regulations law of 1952. The chairpersons of the classroom guardians form the school guardianship (Section 72 SchulG). In the highest participation body of the school, the school conference (§ 65 SchulG), the parents participate through elected representatives. The school is obliged to support the participation bodies by providing the necessary facilities and resources.

Over-school participation is possible within the framework of a city ​​school caretaker (Section 72 (4) SchulG). There is no institutional involvement of parents at state level (state parents' advisory board ) in NRW. Although it was introduced by the Schools Act in 2005 (Section 77 (4)), it was repealed in 2006 when it was first amended after the change of government. It is now being replaced by the regular participation of parents' associations at the Ministry of Education (Section 77 (4) SchulG).


Parent representation begins at class level with the class parents' meeting. These are all parents of the children in one class. These elect the class parent representative and his representative from among their number. A parents' council is elected at school level. All class parent representatives and representatives as well as two electoral representatives in each class are entitled to vote. The school parents 'council in turn elects a school parents' representative from among its members as well as members for the school committee and the textbook committee. There is also a regional parents ' council (REB) for each of the three school supervisory districts of Trier, Koblenz and Neustadt and the state parents' council (LEB) Rhineland-Palatinate for the entire state .


The supreme abstract basis of parental participation in Saxony is derived from the Basic Law, in addition to civil rights, from the Saxon Constitution in particular (Art. 86 (2)). In other legislation, the constitutionally founded parental participation regulates the Saxon Schools Act (§ 43, 45-49 ), the Parents' Participation Ordinance / EMVO (especially § 15) and the particular legal ordinances for the school types (school regulations for elementary schools / SOGS, school regulations for secondary schools, final examinations / SOMIAP, school regulations for high schools / SOGY (§ 19 (4)), school regulations for special schools / SOFS) and the School Conference Ordinance / SchulKonfVO (Section 7 (3)). Furthermore, the School Network Planning Ordinance / School Network Regulation (Section 4) gives rise to an overriding right to be heard.

The school conference is normally composed equally with four representatives from parents, students and teachers. By virtue of his office, the chairman of the parents' council is his representative with voting rights.

According to these principles, 'the parents have the right and the task to participate in the school education and training' (SchulG § 45). Participation serves the purpose of ensuring balance and coordination as a continuous process between the state and parents. The parents' council is an organ of the school, acts in the fulfillment of its tasks without instructions and is only obliged to the parents. It is thus u. a. intends that parents in the early stages of decision-making processes to assert their views and to exert influence by helping to shape it.
Structurally, the parents' participation is divided in the form of parents' groups in education institutions and day care centers, in district parent councils and the national parents' . The latter sends elected representatives to the Federal Parents' Council .


Parents' representatives from day-care centers (crèche, kindergarten, day-care center and day care) working at the municipal level are referred to as city parents' representatives (independent cities, here: Magdeburg, Halle and Dessau-Roßlau) or community parents' representatives (with districts). The legal basis for this body in Saxony-Anhalt is Section 19 (5) of the Child Promotion Act.



In the GDR , the parents' council was a voluntary representative body, elected every two years, for all parents of pupils in a ten-class general polytechnic (POS) and extended secondary school (EOS).

However, only parents who actively supported the socialist educational work were elected to the parents' council. In the early years of the GDR, until 1951 , the SED -directed committees, Association of Friends of the New School , worked at random. Parents' councils were not created until the ordinance of April 12, 1951 , and electoral committees prepared for their election .

According to the Parents' Council Ordinance of January 7, 1961 , the Parents' Council had the task of encouraging and directing the parents' willingness to cooperate in solving school and extracurricular tasks . In addition to the elected members, the parents' council included representatives of the sponsoring company, the DFD , the pioneer organization or the FDJ , the teachers of the school and the responsible committee of the National Front .

The parents' council could set up temporary or permanent commissions for certain tasks . In the individual classes, class parents acted actively to support the class leader. The work of the parents' council was carried out by its board of directors on the basis of a work plan agreed with the director or the class leader and the parents, which was valid for one school year.

The parents' council should arouse the willingness of parents to improve the school's material facilities. Another task was to ensure good quality school meals, which was seen as an important measure in the social policy program.

Parents' representation at day care centers

The parent representatives and the parent advisory board of the day-care centers are regulated by law in the state implementation laws for the Child and Youth Welfare Act. The state implementation laws include (selection):

At the federal level there has been the "Federal Parents' Representation for Children in Day Care Centers and Day Care" (bevki) since 2014. At the state level, the interest groups are z. B. organized as associations / working groups or as legally regulated committees ( state committee ).


In Austria there is no pure parent representation in schools. It can best be compared with the school community committee, in which not only parents but also pupils and teachers are represented.


  • Bavarian law on education and instruction . J. Maiss publishing house, Munich
  • Parents yearbook 2006, handbook for parents and parents' councils in Baden-Württemberg . Jürgen Borstendorfer, Dr. Johannes Rux, Michael Rux, ISBN 978-3922366560
  • Parents' Council Ordinance of the GDR of November 15, 1966 (Journal of Laws of II 1966 No. 133 p. 837); Order of the GDR on the election of parent representatives at general schools - election regulations of January 15, 1970 (Journal of Laws of II 1970 No. 25, p. 181); 2. Implementation provision (DB) for the Parents' Council Regulation of June 30, 1984 (Journal of Laws of I 1984 No. 22 p. 273)
  • Norbert Kühne : Parent Conflict Discussion, in: Praxisbuch Sozialpädagogik Volume 1, Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf 2005; ISBN 3-427-75409-X
  • Adalbert Ruschel: Parents & School. Parent Participation Handbook . Domino Verlag Günther Brinek GmbH, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-926123-61-3 .
  • Werner Sacher: Parental work as a parenting and educational partnership. Basics and design suggestions for all types of schools. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt-Verlag; 2nd edition 2014, ISBN 978-3-7815-1946-6
  • School law handbook North Rhine-Westphalia . Loseblatt, Wolters Kluwer 2006.
  • Ordinance of the GDR on school and children feeding of October 16, 1975 (Journal of Laws of I 1975 No. 44 p. 713).

Web links

Statutory state parent representatives

Parents' associations and associations

Parent representatives in day care centers

Other web links

Individual evidence

  1. Available online:
  2. Regulations on class attendance in the Baden-Württemberg School Act
  3. According to a statement by the Ministry of Culture: Archived copy ( memento of the original from May 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Saxon School Act, practical commentary. KronachWolters Kluwer, Luchterhand, 2004, pp. 181-182 ISBN 3-556-01007-0
  5. Saxony-Anhalt Child Promotion Act (KiFög)
  7. cf.