Norbert Kühne

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Norbert Kühne (2013)

Norbert Valentin Kühne (born June 23, 1941 in Groß Ottersleben near Magdeburg ) is a German writer and publicist . Kühne writes poems, novels and non-fiction as well as textbooks and develops word images. Kühne mostly uses the pseudonym Ossip Ottersleben for his literary works .


Kuehne grew up in Radheim (now Schaafheim ) in Darmstadt , later in Schloßborn (Taunus) on, made in Koenigstein im Taunus High School ( Taunus High School ), studied Catholic theology , philosophy , psychology and Oriental Studies in Frankfurt , Mainz and Würzburg . In 1969 he completed his studies with a diploma in psychology (Würzburg). He then worked for three years in Traunreut in the Adult Education . Here he was also on the city council for the SPD. From 1973 on he taught psychology and pedagogy and educational sciences at the Hans-Böckler-Vocational College in Marl / Haltern for about 30 years . where he was also head of the social pedagogical department. He participated in the curriculum commissions of the Minister of Education in North Rhine-Westphalia in the areas of pedagogy and educational sciences. In the last years of his activity he built up the advice center for school career advice at the Marl / Haltern vocational college. He is currently working as an author and journalist as well as in an initiative for evangelical adult education (Evangelisches Forum in Marl ).

Act as an author

From the beginning of his publishing activity he published poems and short prose in many journals of the alternative scene of the 1970s and 1980s such as das pult (editor: Klaus Sandler ), Die Horen (Morawietz) , engrams etc. but also for social science journals such as päd extra ( Pedagogy magazine; founded in the 1970s) (Frankfurt), Psychologie Heute (Beltz Verlag, Weinheim). For his novel " Der Mord am Bürgermeister " (literary publisher H. Braun, Leverkusen, 1977) he received the literary prize from St. Pölten ( Austria ). Several literary texts appeared in the children's book series by Rowohlt Verlag . In the 1970s and 1980s he organized literary actions a. a. with Werner Streletz in the Recklinghausen-Münster region.

In Japan, together with Professor Sho Hayashi from Fukui University, he published four books for German studies students and students who had chosen German as a foreign language.

In recent years, Kühne has mainly published non-fiction and textbooks on linguistic psychology, psychology, social education and pedagogy. He published regularly in the magazine small & large (Munich).

From September 1988 to July 1990 Kühne was spokesman for the Dortmund district of the Association of German Writers (VS) and during this time organized the cultural exchange with the Writers' Association in Krakow ( Poland ).

Kühne is a founding member and board member of the Verein für Kultur und Lebenshilfe e. V. ( Bitterfeld ). Until 2016 he was a member of the TRAM group of authors in Recklinghausen


The lyricist Karl Krolow calls Kühne's poems "glass landscapes of poetic romance" and thus points to the poetic orientation of the author.

In the laudation of the jury of the Vestische Owl 2013 it was said about Kühne's text (language is the skin of poetry) : “Poetry is often associated with magic. For the jury there is also a poetic magic in this text. "

Regarding “Weird Times” (2017): Poetic, biting, snotty, also wistful, always clever and pointed are the thoughts and reflections of the (...) author and editor (...), which he gave his alter ego called Wohlfahrt Brain and on the loose tongue. (...) not only the art of storytelling (...) fascinates, the sophisticated speaking culture of the author, who has already written poems, novels and non-fiction as well as textbooks, is also convincing. Just as the audio book CD may have been seen as a small total work of art (...)

Prizes / awards

Vestic Literature Owl
  • 1976 Culture Prize of the City of St. Pölten for the novel manuscript: The murder of the mayor
  • 1978 Scholarship from the Minister of Education of North Rhine-Westphalia (Düsseldorf)
  • 1992 Bruno Schuler Special Prize for Pediatric Rheumatology
  • 2013 "Vestische Literatur-Owl"

Bibliography (selection)

Fiction (under the pseudonym Ossip Ottersleben)
  • The mayor's murder. Homeland novel. Lit. Verlag H. Braun, Cologne 1977, ISBN 3-88097-060-2
  • Travel pictures. Poems. Edition Roetzer Extra, Eisenstadt (Austria), 1979
  • (Editor) The LiLa Reading Book. Texts from Marian authors. Dates 1981
  • (Editor with Hans van Ooyen ) Those who die early are dead longer. Texts on the peace movement. The desk 64/1982. St. Pölten (Austria)
  • Life in the liver sausage - news from Beck. Edition Maioli, Vienna 1983
  • (Editor) Subject Poetry - 15 Years DAS PULT. The desk 68/1983. St. Pölten (Austria)
  • (Editor with Peter Hoffmann ) On the way to me - healthy people, sick people, disabled people, outsiders. Bitterfeld 1995
  • (Editor with Peter Hoffmann) I also brake for Wessis. Bitterfeld 1996
  • (Editor with Peter Hoffmann) Mixing of colors. Zörbig 1998
  • Norbert Kühne, Irena Bohensky, Leon Dries, Susi Kusi, Ossip Ottersleben: A bad knee is better than a bad mouth, dirty poetry for beginners - with exercises. Bitterfeld 2000
  • unsung time - autumn with dachshund in sinsen. Leipzig 2007
  • (Editor) with Mona Jüntgen (and author): Total verknallt , Edition Haltern am See, Haltern 2011
Publications in Japan
  • Ossip Ottersleben, Sho Hayashi: The cheeky Korte family. Dogakusha Publishing House, Tokyo 1990
  • Ossip Ottersleben, Sho Hayashi: The ugly side of Germany I. Dogakusha-Verlag, Tokyo 1993
  • Ossip Ottersleben, Sho Hayashi: Typically German? Ikubundo Publishing House, Tokyo 1995
  • Ossip Ottersleben, Sho Hayashi, Peter Hoffmann : New German scandals in caricatures. Dogakusha Publishing House, Tokyo 1996
Non-fiction books (in Germany, Denmark , Austria and Switzerland )
  • New psychology. Edition 2000, Giessen 1973
  • (Editor) We work with young people. Edition 2000, Giessen 1974
  • Psychology for technical schools and technical colleges. Stam-Verlag, Cologne 1979 (5th edition 1993)
  • Role play. Games card. Publishing group educational literature, Usingen 1979
  • Role play for school age. Publishing group educational literature, Usingen 1982
  • Tyske Rollespil. Horsens (Denmark) 1983
  • (together with H. Harder-Kühne, H. Pohl) Education for technical schools. Stam-Verlag, Cologne 1997
  • 30 kilos of fever - the poetry of children. Zurich 1997
  • (Editor and author) Praxisbuch Pädagogik. Observe Plan Educate. Stam-Verlag, Cologne 2000
  • (Editor and author) Education for nannies. Stam-Verlag, Cologne 2000
  • (Editor and author) Pedagogy lessons at vocational schools, in pedagogy lessons 2–3 / 2000
  • (Editor and author): Materials on pedagogical action theories for EW lessons at vocational schools and high schools. 2000
  • (Editor and Author) Pedagogical Practice. Describe and change upbringing. Bildungsverlag Eins, 2002
  • (Editor and Author) Pedagogical Practice. Solve conflicts. Bildungsverlag Eins, 2002
  • How children learn language. Scientific Book Society and Primus Verlag, Darmstadt 2003
  • Pedagogical Practice. Promote language. Bildungsverlag Eins, Troisdorf 2004
  • (Editor and Author) FAQ Educate and Promote. Bildungsverlag Eins, Troisdorf 2004
  • (Editor and author) Praxisbuch Sozialpädagogik. Working materials and method book. Troisdorf 2005–2010 (8 volumes)
  • (Editor and Author) Individual learning will become more important. 100 years of the Hans Böckler vocational college. Marl 2006
  • Basic knowledge of psychology. Troisdorf 2009
  • (together with Yvonne Wagner) Basic knowledge education. Troisdorf 2009
  • (Editor and author) Practice booklet social pedagogy: "The quality in working with children", Troisdorf 2009, ( ISBN 978-3-427-40505-4 )
  • (Editor and author) Practice booklet social pedagogy: "Language and reading promotion", Troisdorf 2009, ( ISBN 978-3-427-40508-5 )
  • (as editor) Let stories sound , series Praxisheft Sozialpädagogik, Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf, 2009
  • (as editor) Kreatives Gestalten , Praxisheft Sozialpädagogik series, Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf, 2009
  • (as editor) Successful coping with the first years of the career , series practical booklet social pedagogy, Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf, 2009
  • (as editor) Mathematics in day-care facilities for children , series Praxisheft Sozialpädagogik, Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf, 2009
  • Aspects and problems of early development and upbringing (1); Language development - acquisition and promotion of the language (2); Language behavior - language in therapy and education (3); Motor Skills - Early Childhood Development and Promotion (4); Possible solutions to conflicts - How to argue correctly (5); Gender identity - typically girls, typically boys (6). In: Teaching Materials Pedagogy - Psychology (No. 694), Stark Verlag / Mediengruppe Pearson , Hallbergmoos 2012–2016
  • Pre-school education - change and pedagogical profession in early education (1) , Raabe Verlag, Stuttgart 2017
  • How many languages ​​do you speak? - Multilingualism from a psychological and pedagogical point of view , "Pädagogik + Psychologie 27", Raabe Verlag, Stuttgart 2018
  • together with Claudius Reimann : ASIMASOGRA “Die CD”, LC 5458 - 1993
  • Weird Times - Told Stories by Norbert Kühne, TonkunstManufaktur, 2017

Secondary literature

  • Literaturatlas NRW - an address book for the literary scene. Volksblatt Verlag, 1992
  • H. Kruschinski: Emancipate from the name. Norbert Kühne alias O. Ottersleben, in: Westfalenspiegel 1993, issue 3.
  • Westphalian authors' lexicon 1900–1950. Ferdinand Schöningh Publishing House. 2002
  • Kürschner's German Literature Calendar , 2016/2017, Vol. 1, p. 564
  • Kürschner's German Non-Fiction Calendar

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marler Zeitung : "Forum fears for its rooms", September 12, 2014
  2. Rotfuchs series; Children's books
  3. Together with Paulus Kaufmann, Prof. Hayashi translates the main work of the well-known ethnologist Tanigawa Ken'ichi into German: About the Hereafter - Where the soul of the Japanese strives
  4. ^ Norbert Kühne at the Association of German Writers
  5. the tram - Recklinghausen
  6. ^ Recklinghäuser Zeitung; 18th November 2013
  7. ^ Medienhaus Bauer, Marl, December 8, 2017; in six regional editions of the newspaper house
  8. published 1977; Literary publishing house Helmut Braun, Cologne
  9. to the 25th meeting of the German Society for Rheumatology in Nuremberg on December 1, 1992 for the manuscript: And get nowhere (biography of a disabled young woman)
  10. Awarded by the New Literary Society Recklinghausen eV; Recklinghäuser Zeitung, November 18, 2013
  11. Medienhaus Bauer, Marl, December 8, 2017, weekend edition of the 6 regional editions of the newspaper house