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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the community of Schaafheim
Map of Germany, position of the municipality of Schaafheim highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 56 '  N , 9 ° 0'  E

Basic data
State : Hesse
Administrative region : Darmstadt
County : Darmstadt-Dieburg
Height : 151 m above sea level NHN
Area : 32.16 km 2
Residents: 9237 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 287 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 64850
Area code : 06073
License plate : DA, TU
Community key : 06 4 32 021
Address of the
municipal administration:
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 3
64850 Schaafheim
Website :
Mayor : Reinhold Hehmann ( CDU )
Location of the community of Schaafheim in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district
Erzhausen Weiterstadt Griesheim Pfungstadt Bickenbach (Bergstraße) Alsbach-Hähnlein Seeheim-Jugenheim Modautal Mühltal Ober-Ramstadt Messel Eppertshausen Münster (Hessen) Dieburg Roßdorf (bei Darmstadt) Fischbachtal Groß-Bieberau Reinheim Groß-Zimmern Otzberg Groß-Umstadt Schaafheim Babenhausen (Hessen) Darmstadt Bayern Odenwaldkreis Kreis Bergstraße Kreis Groß-Gerau Landkreis Offenbachmap
About this picture

Schaafheim (in the local dialect: Schoffem ) is a municipality in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district in southern Hesse .


Schaafheim is located in southern Hesse, about 12 km northeast of Dieburg and 15 km west of the Bavarian Aschaffenburg in the historic Bachgau region at 151  m above sea level. NHN .


The municipality is located in the Hanau-Seligenstädter Senke , part of the Lower Main Plain. To the southwest of Schaafheim, on the northern slope of the Odenwald , there is fertile loess soil , which provided good living conditions for the first settlers in the Neolithic Age.

Neighboring communities and districts

The town of Babenhausen borders Schaafheim in the north , the communities Großostheim ( district of Aschaffenburg ) and Mömlingen ( district of Miltenberg ) in the east and the districts of Kleestadt , Klein-Umstadt and Dorndiel of the town of Groß-Umstadt to the south and west .

Community structure

The community consists of the eponymous Schaafheim and the districts Schlierbach , Mosbach and Radheim .


Territorial history

Schaafheim was first mentioned in a document in a list of goods belonging to the Fulda monastery in 817. A copy is handed down in the Codex Eberhardi , with the year 830 being used as a reference. The former place name Scofheim is derived from Scop ( Schoppen = shed in the woods) and Heim (Franconian for village), so it has no relation to the term sheep . The supposed “sheep” in the Schaafheim local coat of arms is actually a lamb and is a symbol of the risen Christ .

Schaafheim was part of the Dreieich Wildbann in the Middle Ages ; in the village there was a wild animal . This wild spell belonged to the domain of the Hagen-Münzenberg family . In 1326 the abbot of the Fulda monastery awarded the fiefs settled by the death of Count Dieter von Katzenelnbogen , namely a part of the village with court, people and property, to Ulrich von Bickenbach and Ulrich II. Von Hanau .

The market cross symbolized Schaafheim's rights to damage

Emperor Karl IV granted Schaafheim town charter in 1368 with the freedoms of Hanau and Windecken . The place was fortified with a city wall, had a market place and was the seat of jurisdiction (imperial court, lower, upper court) with a gallows as the place of execution. King Ruprecht of the Palatinate confirmed the town charter in 1404. Schaafheim did not develop as a town. After the freedom letter was lost in 1648, the city rights were no longer recognized.

In 1394 Ulrich V. von Hanau owned the village with accessories including the tithe and the church set , formerly a fiefdom of the Fulda monastery , from Count Palatine Ruprecht II . In 1410 there is a renewed enfeoffment by Count Palatine Ludwig III. on the occasion of his assumption of government. Ulrich V - meanwhile deposed by his brother Reinhard II in 1404 - probably spent the last years of his life at Schaafheim Castle. Later, the rights - except for the tithe - must have passed to Hanau, because in the settlement of the Umstadt condominium in 1521, only these are part of the agreed exchange of rights, all other rights are already with Hanau.

When Hanau was divided up in 1458, Schaafheim - like the other southern Main holdings of the County of Hanau - fell to Count Philipp the Elder of Hanau and thus became part of the later County of Hanau-Lichtenberg . During the Thirty Years War (1618–1648) the church was sacked, the castle looted, the town hall destroyed and many people died of the plague . In 1635 there were only 17 taxpayers left. For some time the place was even depopulated because the inhabitants had fled to the more secure town of Babenhausen.

After the death of the last Hanau count, Johann Reinhard III. , 1736, landgrave Friedrich I of Hessen-Kassel inherited the county of Hanau-Münzenberg on the basis of an inheritance contract from 1643. Due to the intestinal succession , the County of Hanau-Lichtenberg fell to the son of Johann Reinhard III's only daughter, Landgrave Ludwig IX. from Hessen-Darmstadt . Disputed between the two heirs was the affiliation of the Babenhausen office and its places to Hanau-Munzenberg or Hanau-Lichtenberg. There was almost a military conflict when Hessen-Kassel occupied most of the Babenhausen office with the military that had already been carefully stationed in Hanau . The Landgraviate of Hessen-Darmstadt succeeded in occupying Schaafheim. The place Schaafheim became the administrative seat of the office Schaafheim , which consisted of the parts of the office Babenhausen, which Hessen-Darmstadt could secure for itself. The dispute over the Hanau legacy could only be ended with a settlement in 1771 after a long-standing legal dispute before the highest imperial courts , the so-called participation recess . Schaafheim remained with Hessen-Darmstadt, the later Grand Duchy of Hessen .

The statistical-topographical-historical description of the Grand Duchy of Hesse reports on Schaafheim in 1829:

»Schaafheim (L. Bez. Dieburg) market town; is 4 St. from Dieburg and 2 St. from Umstadt, consists of 218 houses and 1,338 inhabitants, who are Lutheran except for 3 Cath. and 51 Jews. The place is walled and has several overbuilt gates. Here is a church built in 1477, a second-class border customs office, a mill, a castle, of which only the circular walls and two towers that are still in use are left, and nearby on a hill is a watchtower, the one after the coat of arms and Inscription was built by the Churmainz government in 1492, and from which a beautiful view opens up towards Aschaffenburg and the Spessart. 3 markets are held annually. - There used to be an imperial court court here, which has its origins in the imperial saddle-saddle or Sodilhof that was located here. Certain Hubengüter belonged to this court, over which a separate court with mayor and lay judges was appointed. According to legend, the court comes from Emperor Friedrich I. Because of the patronage at Schaafheim, Count Diether von Katzenellenbogen, 1272, compared himself with Reinhard, Herr zu Hanau. Ulrich zu Hanau is said to have received Schaafheim and his membership from Duke Rudolph I, in 1318, on a right man's feud, according to the feudal feudal rights and custom. Emperor Carl IV granted Schaafheim town charter in 1368. Ulrich IV., Count von Hanau, died here in 1404. In 1521 the place was taken over by Count Philip III. from Hanau incorporated into his rule Babenhausen. Schaafheim was surrounded with walls and those ended in 1589. On June 6th, 1622 the Spanish burned the church down to the wall. A fire in 1699 reduced 46 buildings to ashes. After the exit of the Hanau-Lichtenberg line in 1736, the settlement of 1762 and 1771 divided the rule of Babenhausen between the two Hessian houses, on which occasion Schaafheim came with several other places in Hessen-Darmstadt and from which the Schaafheim office was now formed . "

The following list gives an overview of the territories in which Schaafheim was located and the administrative units to which it was subordinate:

The administrative history of the end of the 20th century independent villages Radheim and Mosbach was different: This was until 1772 in the centering Bachgau the electorate of Mainz belong. The Zent, ​​renamed District Bailiwick of Obernburg in 1772 , came to the Principality of Aschaffenburg in 1804, to the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt from 1810 and was part of the Kingdom of Bavaria from 1814 . With the Bavarian-Hessian exchange of territory in 1817, Radheim and Mosbach came to Hessen-Darmstadt and later to Schaafheim.

The castle within the former city walls was demolished in the middle of the 19th century. The street names Schlossgraben and Burggartenstraße still remind of this.

The birth house of the Odenwald local poet Georg Schäfer (1840–1914) is the oldest existing house in Schaafheim. The half-timbered upper floor dates from around 1500.

Historical forms of names

In documents that have been received, Schaafheim was mentioned under the following names (the year of mention in brackets):

  • Scofheim (817)
  • Schaffheim (1272)
  • Schafheim (1326)
  • Schoffheim (1355)
  • Schafheym (1390)
  • Schafheim (1394)
  • Sheephem (1476)
  • Schoffheym (1492)
  • Schaaffheym (1538)
  • Schaafheim (1710)


The competent jurisdiction of the first instance was:

Central court Ostheim , from the 14th century to Umstadt
1821: Umstadt district court
1879: District court Groß-Umstadt
1970: Dieburg District Court


As part of the regional reform in Hesse , Schlierbach joined Schaafheim on December 31, 1971 on a voluntary basis. On January 1, 1977, Radheim and Mosbach were also incorporated into the state law to reorganize the districts of Darmstadt and Dieburg and the city of Darmstadt . For the formerly independent municipalities, local districts with local advisory councils and local councilors were formed according to the Hessian municipal code.


Population structure

According to the 2011 census , there were 9030 residents in Schaafheim on May 9, 2011. 626 (6.9%) of them were foreigners, 336 of whom came from outside the EU , 214 from other European countries and 76 from other countries. The inhabitants lived in 3682 households. Of these, 916 were single households , 1021 couples without children and 1325 couples with children, as well as 341 single parents and 79 shared apartments .

Population development

• 1806: 1,151 inhabitants, 197 houses
• 1829: 1,338 inhabitants, 218 houses
• 1867: 1,475 inhabitants, 267 houses
• 2010: 5,472 inhabitants (core municipality without districts)
• 2012: 5,547 inhabitants (core municipality without districts)
Schaafheim: Population from 1806 to 2015
year     Residents
Data source: Historical municipality register for Hesse: The population of the municipalities from 1834 to 1967. Wiesbaden: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt, 1968.
Further sources:; 1972 :; 1976 :; 1984 :; 1992 :; 2000 :; 2005 :; 2010 :; 2011 census; 2015:
From 1972 including the towns incorporated into Hesse as part of the regional reform .

Religious affiliation

• 1829: 1284 Lutheran (= 95.96%), 51 Jewish (= 3.81%) and 3 Catholic (= 0.22%) residents
• 1961: 2,679 Protestant (= 74.29%), 872 Catholic (= 24.18%) residents
• 2011: 3400 Protestant (= 37.7%), 3223 Catholic (= 35.7%) residents

Gainful employment

The municipality in comparison with the district, administrative district Darmstadt and Hesse:

year local community district Administrative district Hesse
Employees subject to social security contributions 2017 1057 74,525 1,695,567 2,524,156
Change to 2000 + 9.3% + 21.1% + 16.1% + 16.0%
of which full-time 2017 67.0% 68.3% 72.8% 71.8%
of which part-time 2017 33.0% 31.7% 27.2% 28.2%
Only marginally paid employees 2017 394 15.305 224.267 372.991
Change to 2000 + 33.6% + 14.4% + 9.0% + 8.8%
Branch year local community district Administrative district Hesse
Manufacturing 2000 58.1% 41.1% 27.0% 30.6%
2017 39.4% 31.3% 20.4% 24.3%
Commerce, hospitality and transport 2000 16.9% 26.1% 26.4% 25.1%
2017 27.6% 26.8% 24.7% 23.8%
Business services 2000 07.8% 11.6% 25.1% 20.2%
2017 13.8% 17.1% 31.6% 26.1%
other services 2000 15.8% 18.8% 20.1% 22.5%
2017 18.8% 23.6% 23.0% 25.4%
Other (or without assignment) 2000 01.4% 02.4% 01.4% 01.5%
2017 00.8% 00.5% 00.3% 00.4%



The Protestant Church
Schaafheim evang church.jpg
The Protestant church was built in 1839–1841
Schaafheim 06 (entrance portal ev church) .jpg
Entrance portal of the church to the place

There was a church in Schaafheim as early as 1272. At that time, the patronage of the church was held as a Fulda fiefdom with the Counts of Katzenelnbogen and the Lords of Hanau, from 1355 solely with the Lords of Hanau. Nikolaus (1472), Sebastian (1472), Dorothea (1472) and Maria (1492) are named as patron saints. The branch church of Schaafheim was the church in Schlierbach, the central church authority was the archdeaconate of St. Peter and Alexander in Aschaffenburg, and the regional chapter of Montat .

The Reformation was introduced in Schaafheim in 1545 under Count Philipp IV von Hanau-Lichtenberg , the districts of Radheim and Mosbach remained with the Electorate of Mainz and therefore remained Catholic . The Protestant church has about 3,350 members in the four villages Schaafheim, Radheim, Mosbach and Wenigumstadt (as of 2015). She runs a day-care center in the core community of Schaafheim.

Jewish community

A Jewish community existed from the 18th century until after 1933. As a result of emigration to the cities, the proportion of Jewish residents in the population decreased from 3.7 percent to 1.1 percent between 1861 and 1910. The Jewish families lived from the cattle, textile and grain trade. The community belonged to the Orthodox district rabbinate Darmstadt II. A synagogue was built in 1840/41 in the courtyard of the house at 3 Spitzengasse. It was devastated during the November pogrom in 1938. After 1939 the building was used as a feeding stalls, and in 1953 it was demolished.


Community representation

The local elections on March 6, 2016 produced the following results, compared to previous local elections:

Distribution of seats in the municipal council 2016
A total of 31 seats
Parties and constituencies %
CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany 39.6 12 39.2 12 44.1 14th 40.6 13
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany 32.2 10 37.9 12 35.9 11 40.0 12
FWG Free community of voters in Schaafheim 28.2 9 22.9 7th 20.0 6th 19.4 6th
total 100.0 31 100.0 31 100.0 31 100.0 31
Voter turnout in% 46.8 49.2 46.0 56.6
Town hall of the community of Schaafheim


The mayor of the large community of Schaafheim has been Reinhold Hehmann (CDU) since 1996. On September 14, 2014, he was confirmed in office with 89.3 percent of the vote. There were no opposing candidates, the turnout was 41 percent.


The following local districts with local advisory board and local councilor according to the Hessian municipal code exist in the municipality:

  • District Schlierbach (areas of the former municipality Schlierbach ). The local advisory board consists of seven members.
  • Local district Mosbach (areas of the former municipality Mosbach ). The local advisory board consists of nine members.
  • Radheim district (areas of the former Radheim community ). The local advisory board consists of seven members.


Schaafheim maintains partnerships with: Richelieu in France and Mansfeld in Saxony-Anhalt .

badges and flags

Banner Schaafheim.svg

coat of arms

DEU Schaafheim COA.svg
Blazon : “Divided and quartered on top; 1 and 4 divided five times by rafters by gold and red, 2 and 3 in silver a black lion turned towards it; below on a golden three-mountain topped with a horizontal black wolf tang, a silver Easter lamb with a silver flag striding. "

The current coat of arms has been in use since the 17th century, although variations have been known since the 16th century. The upper part of the coat of arms comes from that of the County of Hanau-Lichtenberg . The lower part, the Easter lamb, is speaking , although the name of the community does not come from the word sheep. The Wolfsangel is an old place symbol and has been in use longer than today's coat of arms.


The municipal flag was approved on December 5, 1986 and is described as follows: "The municipal coat of arms is placed on a red / gold square flag track in the upper half."

Culture and sights

The south side of the medieval and listed chapel near the Protestant church
Inscription plaque of the builders of the chapel dated 1570

Local dialect

The people of Schaafheim like to refer to themselves as Scheffmer and their community as Schoffem .

Schaafheim is known for its very own South Hessian dialect, which is often referred to as Scheffemerisch . A closer analysis of the language style reveals clear differences to surrounding places. A collection of typical Scheffemer words has already appeared in a publication by the Schaafheim Home and History Association.


The Schaafheim singers' association is the oldest association in the community. It was founded in 1879 as the Liederkranz Schaafheim and merged in 1929 with the Eintracht choral society to form the singers' association. She currently has four choirs. The Bruderkette Workers' Choral Society has been in existence since 1903 and has five choirs.

The Schaafheimer Feuerwehrmusik was founded in 1953 as a marching band. It has a fire brigade orchestra leader, a youth orchestra and trains brass and woodwind instruments. Drum training is also offered. Every odd year there is a special concert evening on Palm Sunday in the Schaafheimer Kulturhalle under the name “Fire & Flame”. The musical director is Steffen Rupprecht. There is a syndicate with the brass orchestra of the Altheim volunteer fire brigade.


Watch tower near Schaafheim
  • The town hall and many half-timbered houses as well as the two churches form the historic city center. The Protestant church was built between 1839 and 1841 according to plans by Georg Moller . At the site of the medieval church, which was laid down in 1838 (next to today's Protestant church), there was also the family grave of Georg Ridinger , the builder of the Aschaffenburg Johannisburg Palace . The medieval chapel next to it, built in 1570, is a listed building .
  • South of Schaafheim rises on a knoll of the 22 m high watch tower , which the Archbishop of Mainz Berthold von Henneberg had built on the old Bachgauer Landwehr in 1492 . He secured the crossing of the ship route in the Kurmainzer area. This is where the Kurmainzer escort began to protect the carters and merchants. In 1992 the tower was completely restored.
  • Today only a memorial plaque reminds of the abandoned Schaafheim Castle .

Nature and protected areas

The “ Buchertsgräben bei Schlierbachnature reserve is located in the districts of Schaafheim and Schlierbach , a richly structured forest area with loess gorges and remnants of semi- arid grassland with species of flora and fauna that are worth protecting.

Southwest of Schaafheim the "runs Schiffsweg hollow ", a former loess - ravine , the area as exemplary natural monument is protected.


The ADAC - Odenwaldring is a facility that houses an outdoor go- kart track and a motocross course. Because of noise protection, strict requirements have to be met, which severely restricts the operation of racing machines. The facility is operated by the Wartturm motorsport club .

The Schaafheim outdoor pool has a 25-meter swimming pool, a fun pool with a slide, two children's pools, a beach volleyball court and a large sunbathing area.

Viktoria Schaafheim's sports field is located in the center of the village . The association was founded in 1927. A DFB mini playing field has also been set up on the sports field, a small artificial turf field for children and young people.

On the outskirts near the "Odenwaldring" is the Diana archery club with its archery course. The former compound national coach Harry Vohs is a member there.

Regular events

Every year on the last weekend in August, the Scheffemer Curb takes place on the fairground in front of the culture hall. This event is deeply rooted in the Schaafheim tradition and is therefore the epitome of “Scheffemer” customs. The organizers change the curb every five years. In 2011, the Schaafheim volunteer fire brigade organized the curb on the occasion of its 110th anniversary.

Every last weekend in September, the Schaafheim volunteer fire brigade organizes the Oktoberfest.

The annual folk dance festival takes place in the culture hall at the end of September. This is organized by the Hessen Spielschar together with the local branch of the Odenwald Club. It took place for the first time in 1976 in the Mosbach district.

On the third weekend of Advent you can visit the Christmas market in the town center. Traders and parishes operate the stands. The Schaafheim Christmas Market is one of the most popular Christmas markets in Bachgau.

There are two carnival sessions during the carnival period.

Economy and Infrastructure

Land use

The municipal area covers a total area of ​​3216 hectares, of which in hectares are:

Type of use 2011 2015
Building and open space 202 207
from that Living 135 138
Business 11 15th
Operating area 6th 7th
from that Mining land 2 2
Recreation area 33 33
from that Green area 8th 8th
traffic area 206 207
Agricultural area 1629 1622
from that moor 0 0
pagan 0 0
Forest area 1108 1108
Water surface 17th 17th
Other use 15th 15th


The railway connection of Schaafheim by the Hessian Ludwig Railway failed between 1850 and 1860 due to the contradiction of the community committees. The Hessian Ludwigsbahn ran the Rhein-Main-Bahn between Darmstadt and Aschaffenburg rather via Babenhausen, as did the Odenwaldbahn .

Today, Schaafheim is connected to the surrounding communities by a regional bus network:

  • K53: Babenhausen - Schaafheim - Großostheim - Aschaffenburg (connection to long-distance traffic towards Würzburg and Nuremberg )
  • K54: Babenhausen - Schaafheim - Radheim - Mosbach - Großostheim - Aschaffenburg
  • K65: Babenhausen - Hergershausen - Schlierbach - Schaafheim (only on weekdays)
  • K67: Ober-Klingen - Habitzheim - Lengfeld - Groß-Umstadt - Klein-Umstadt - Kleestadt - Schaafheim (not at all times, partly only to the districts of Groß-Umstadt, only on weekdays)
  • 677: Darmstadt - Dieburg - Babenhausen (- Schaafheim) - Stockstadt am Main - Aschaffenburg (only in late traffic on weekends)

In Babenhausen there are connections to Darmstadt, Hanau , Frankfurt and Erbach .


Schaafheim belongs to the distribution area of ​​the Offenbach-Post , the Main-Echo and the Darmstadt-Echo .


An elementary school had existed in the Schaafheim town center since 1896 . In 1972 this was expanded at the Eichwald. The Eichwaldschule Schaafheim is a primary , secondary and secondary school with a support level . The secondary school branch, which had been rebuilt in 1989, made it necessary to expand the wing with specialist and additional classrooms in 1993. The senior director of the Eichwald School is Hilde Spahn.

In the Mosbach district there is also a primary school with two classes per year, which is also attended by the Radheim children.


Sons and daughters of the church

  • Heinrich Reizmann (1462–1528), priest and curator in the St. Peter and Alexander monastery (Aschaffenburg)
  • Theodor Gilmer (1779–1854), member of the Hessian state parliament and secret finance councilor
  • Katharina Roth (1882–1967), member of the State Parliament (KPD) of the State of Hesse 1922–1927
  • Philipp Hauck (1882–1935), member of the Hessian state parliament
  • Heinrich Geißler (1872–1959), teacher and local historian, author of the Schaafheimer Heimatbuch
  • Georg Hauck (1854–1921), member of the state parliament and mayor of Schaafheim

Associated with Schaafheim

  • Georg Ridinger (1568–1617), architect and builder
  • Norbert Kühne (* 1941), German writer and psychologist , lived in Radheim from 1943 to 1953 and attended the first four classes of elementary school. Lives today in Marl ( Westphalia ). His mother Maria Kühne (birth name: Dries) was born in Radheim.


  • Barbara Demandt: The medieval church organization in Hesse south of the Main = Writings of the Hessian State Office for Historical Regional Studies 29 (1966), p. 148.
  • Siegfried Enders: Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany - cultural monuments in Hesse - Darmstadt-Dieburg district . Braunschweig 1988, ISBN 3-528-06235-5 , p. 487ff.
  • Heinrich Geißler: Schaafheim, home book of a Hessian rural community. Three volumes, published in 1949, 1950 and 1954.
  • Max Herchenröder : The art monuments of the district of Dieburg . 1940, p. 269ff.
  • Rudolf Knappe: Medieval castles in Hessen. 800 castles, castle ruins and fortifications. 2nd Edition. Wartberg-Verlag, Gudensberg-Gleichen 1995, ISBN 3-86134-228-6 , p. 543.
  • Eicke Meyer: Schaafheim in the time of the Counts of Hanau-Lichtenberg . In: Klaus Lötzsch and Georg Witteberger: Contributions to the history of the County of Hanau-Lichtenberg = Babenhausen once and now 31 (2004), pp. 67–80. [works without references, contains some errors]
  • Wilhelm Müller: Hessian place name book . Volume 1: Starkenburg. 1937, p. 630ff.
  • Hans Georg Ruppel (edit.): Historical place directory for the area of ​​the former Grand Duchy and People's State of Hesse with evidence of district and court affiliation from 1820 to the changes in the course of the municipal territorial reform = Darmstädter Archivschriften 2. 1976, p. 185f.
  • Literature by and about Schaafheim in the catalog of the German National Library

Web links

Commons : Schaafheim  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hessian State Statistical Office: Population status on December 31, 2019 (districts and urban districts as well as municipalities, population figures based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. Darmstädter Echo , Monday, August 22, 2016, p. 22
  3. a b c Schaafheim. Local history and history association Schaafheim, accessed in May 2019 .
  4. ^ Schaafheim, history. In: website. Schaafheim community, accessed November 2019 .
  5. ^ Schaafheim, Darmstadt-Dieburg district (section "Settlement"). Historical local lexicon for Hesse (as of November 14, 2016). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS). Hessian State Office for Historical Cultural Studies (HLGL), accessed on January 24, 2017 .
  6. Regesta Imperii 8, No. 4598; Heinrich Reimer: Document book on the history of the gentlemen of Hanau and the former province of Hanau = Hessian document book, second division. Vol. 3: 1350-1375, Leipzig 1894., No. 569.
  7. ^ Helmut Heß: The city of Schaafheim. (PDF; 65 kB) In: Scheffemerisches, information on local history in Schaafheim. Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Schaafheim, December 2001, accessed November 2019 .
  8. a b c d e f g h Schaafheim, Darmstadt-Dieburg district. Historical local dictionary for Hesse (as of April 25, 2018). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS). Hessian State Office for Historical Cultural Studies (HLGL), accessed on June 8, 2018 .
  9. Meyer, p. 76.
  10. ^ Willi Alter (Ed.): Pfalzatlas . Text volume I. Speyer: Palatinate Society for the Advancement of Science 1964, p. 426.
  11. ^ A b c Georg Wilhelm Justin Wagner : Statistical-topographical-historical description of the Grand Duchy of Hesse: Province of Starkenburg . tape 1 . Carl Wilhelm Leske, Darmstadt October 1829, OCLC 312528080 , p. 209 ( online at google books ).
  12. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. State of Hesse. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  13. ^ Grand Ducal Central Office for State Statistics (ed.): Contributions to the statistics of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . tape 1 . Großherzoglicher Staatsverlag, Darmstadt 1862, DNB  013163434 , OCLC 894925483 , p. 43 ff . ( Online at google books ).
  14. a b List of offices, places, houses, population. (1806) HStAD inventory E 8 A No. 352/4. In: Archive Information System Hessen (Arcinsys Hessen), as of February 6, 1806.
  15. ^ Cultural monuments in Schaafheim. (PDF 62 kB) In: Scheffemerisches, information on local history in Schaafheim. Schaafheim Heimat- und Geschichtsverein, September 1999, accessed on March 31, 2011 .
  16. Codex Eberhardi , Vol. 2, p. 217, No. 252.
  17. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 355 .
  18. Law on the reorganization of the districts of Darmstadt and Dieburg and the city of Darmstadt (GVBl. II 330–334) of July 26, 1974 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of Hesse . 1974 No. 22 , p. 318 , § 15 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 1.5 MB ]).
  19. a b main statute. (PDF; 81 kB) § 5. In: Website. Schaafheim community, accessed November 2019 .
  20. ^ A b Population by nationality group: Schaafheim. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  21. ^ Households by family: Schaafheim. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  22. ^ Ph. AF Walther : Alphabetical index of the residential places in the Grand Duchy of Hesse . G. Jonghaus, Darmstadt 1869, OCLC 162355422 , p. 76 ( online at google books ).
  23. Population payers December 31, 2010. Municipality of Schaafheim, accessed in November 2019 .
  24. Schaafheim is growing: 106 people more than 2012. In: Accessed November 2019 .
  25. ^ Local elections 1972; Relevant population of the municipalities on August 4, 1972 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1972 No.  33 , p. 1424 , point 1025 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 5.9 MB ]).
  26. Local elections 1977; Relevant population figures for the municipalities as of December 15, 1976 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1976 No.  52 , p. 2283 , point 1668 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 10.3 MB ]).
  27. ^ Local elections 1985; Relevant population of the municipalities as of October 30, 1984 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1984 No.  46 , p. 2175 , point 1104 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 5.5 MB ]).
  28. local elections 1993; Relevant population of the municipalities as of October 21, 1992 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1992 No.  44 , p. 2766 , point 935 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 6.1 MB ]).
  29. a b community data sheet: Schaafheim. (PDF; 222 kB) In: Hessisches Gemeindelexikon. HA Hessen Agency GmbH ;
  30. ^ The population of the Hessian communities (June 30, 2005). In: Hessian State Statistical Office . Archived from the original . ;
  31. ^ The population of the Hessian communities (June 30, 2010). In: Hessian State Statistical Office . Archived from the original . ;
  32. ^ The population of the Hessian communities (June 30, 2015). In: Hessian State Statistical Office . Archived from the original . ;
  33. Religion: Schaafheim. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  34. ^ History of Schafheim. In: website. Local history and history association Schaafheim, accessed in November 2019 .
  35. Protestant day care center. In: website. Church council of the Evangelical Church Community in Schaafheim, accessed in November 2019 .
  36. ^ The synagogue in Schaafheim (Darmstadt-Dieburg district). In: Accessed November 2019 .
  37. Result of the municipal election on March 6, 2016. 432021 Schaafheim. Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed in April 2016 .
  38. ^ Result of the municipal election of March 27, 2011. 432021 Schaafheim. Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed in November 2019 .
  39. ^ Result of the municipal election of March 26, 2006. 432021 Schaafheim. Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed in November 2019 .
  40. Results of the municipal elections of 2001 and 1997. (No longer available online.) Hessian State Statistical Office, archived from the original ; accessed in October 2019 .
  41. ↑ Mayoral election: 89.3 percent for Hehmann. (No longer available online.) In: September 14, 2014, formerly in the original ; accessed in September 2017 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  42. ↑ Mayoral elections in Schaafheim. Hessian State Statistical Office , accessed in November 2019 .
  43. ^ Schaafheim, flag (HStAD inventory R 6 C No. 250)  In: Archive information system Hessen (Arcinsys Hessen).
  44. Schaafheim coat of arms. In: Coat of Arms of the World. Accessed November 2019 .
  45. ^ Approval of a flag of the community of Schaafheim, district of Darmstadt-Dieburg from December 5, 1986 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1987 No. 1 , p. 4 , point 7 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 5.1 MB ]).
  46. Singers' Association 1879 Schaafheim. Website. Accessed November 2019 .
  47. ^ Workers' choral society, brother chain Schaafheim. Website. Accessed November 2019 .
  48. ^ Ordinance on the “Buchertsgräben bei Schlierbach” nature reserve of January 21, 1986. PDF. State Gazette for the State of Hesse, issue No. 5/1986, p. 216, No. 141, accessed on July 15, 2020 .
  49. Horst Bathon, Georg Wittenberger: The natural monuments of the Darmstadt-Dieburg district with biotope tours , 2nd expanded and completely revised edition. In: Schriftenreihe Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg, (Ed.) District Committee of the District of Darmstadt-Dieburg - Lower Nature Conservation Authority, Darmstadt, 2016. ISBN 978-3-00-050136-4 . 243 pages. Pp. 159-161.
  50. ^ BC Diana 73 eV website. Accessed November 2019 .
  51. Hessisches Statistisches Informationssystem In: Statistics.Hessen.
  52. a b c The people behind the name. (PDF 377 kB) In: Scheffemerisches, information on local history in Schaafheim. Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Schaafheim, December 2004, accessed on March 31, 2011 .