Klaus Sandler

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Klaus Sandler (* 1945 in Plagwitz , Lower Silesia ; † 1984 in St. Pölten , Lower Austria ) was a writer , editor and publisher of Austrian literature .


Sandler worked as a teacher in St. Pölten. He was - together with a team of Austrian authors and Norbert Kühne (Germany) - the editor of the literary magazine das pult and thus a great promoter of literature in Lower Austria until his death. With the Edition Maioli zu Wien - initially also in collaboration with the Edition Roetzer , Eisenstadt - he published (often with state support) a range of contemporary Austrian (especially Lower Austrian, occasionally also West German) literature. He made it possible for many young authors (such as Hans Raimund , Franz Unger) to take their first steps public. But his contacts to the German literary scene were also excellent. He published texts by many authors from the so-called underground scene from Germany at the time and thus participated structurally and in terms of content in the literature discussion in German-speaking countries. With Norbert Kühne ( Marl ) he published texts on the peace movement in the Federal Republic of Germany: Those who die early are dead longer . In Marl he also organized the Austrian Literature Days , at which authors from Austria offered readings. Sandler had regular contact with Brigitte Kronauer .

In addition to his novels, he has published radio plays on ORF, Bayerischer Rundfunk, RAI (Italy) and RIAS Berlin; In 1982 he and Klaus Scherner released the LP Gegenwart absolut windstill (Vienna).

1978/79 he received the Austrian State Scholarship for Literature; 1979 the award for poetry of the state of Lower Austria, 1980 the book award of the BMUK for the novel Peaceful Anarchy .

Klaus Sandler had been sick since 1966. Since then he has struggled with this disease, which affected his life every day. He died of diabetes at the age of 39.


Sandler was the main initiator of the City of St. Pölten's Culture Prize, which he - among other things - supervised for several years. For example, there were German employees in the magazine das pult which he edited (together with Hans Raimund , Friedrich Hahn (writer) and Brigitte Kronauer, among others ) (first issue July 1968). His wife Nadia Ave was a well-known graphic designer, who shaped the layout of the magazine and much of the artistic content for many years. Sandler initiated, among other things, a number of the magazine on the subject of peace, which was largely contested by West German authors (title of the number: Who dies earlier, is longer dead , ed .: Norbert Kühne and Hans van Ooyen ). Contributions from the social discussion in the former FRG were also regularly published in the desk . The desk was discontinued with an obituary booklet (No. 74/1985) after the early death of the editor Klaus Sandler. On Sandler's 50th birthday, a “pult-extra” was published again, in which selected texts by the author, some of which were previously published, and acknowledgments of his personality and his work by contemporaries and companions are printed.

Nadia Ave-Sandler (St. Pölten) manages the estate. She plans to publish the novels as audio books.

There has been a Klaus-Sandler-Gasse in the Harland district of St. Pölten since 1986 .

Das pult magazine is digitized by the Austrian National Library and provided with an author register.


“It marks Sandler's special position in Austrian literature that he did not stick to the usual genre boundaries and was not content with moving literarily in clearly defined territories: he is a natural poet with precise powers of observation and philosophical depth - but he does not approach nature in order to distance himself from society; he is a socially critical narrator - but he does not resign in order to design hostile structures and anonymous processes instead of contradicting people in the future; He is always looking for it in literary terms, that beautiful moment, the moment of exuberance, of ecstasy, in which we suddenly become aware of the abundance that just flashes in the picture - but he is not a literary collector of successful moments and beautiful sentences. "


  • Tom undoes the jump out of the window , Wallereu / Switzerland, Edition Lentz, 1974
  • Anatomy of a flight , Eisenstadt, ISBN 3-85374-032-4 Edition Roetzer, 1977
  • Peaceful Anarchy , People and Youth, 1980
  • The preliminary life , Edition Maioli, 1983
  • A tent and nothing more , Edition Maioli, 1985
  • with Harald Koelbl; Cover: Nadia Ave: In Kuhlen und Hohlwege ; CD from the estate, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-221-17532-9

Radio plays

  • Heimo in eight pictures, ORF Burgenland (1978)
  • Shell Talks, ORF Lower Austria (1974)
  • O Lord don't let the rain come down, comedy, ORF Burgenland (1976)
  • History is an unsaved landscape, RIAS Berlin (1982)
  • Rosemarie (a suburbiad) ORF (1980)

Secondary literature

  • Brigitte Kronauer : A tent and nothing more. To Klaus Sandler. In: Essays on literature. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1987
  • Hans Raimund : Klaus Sandler - memories of someone who wanted to know less and less and always wanted to see more; Literature & Criticism, Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg, July 2006 / 4050-406
  • the desk - extra; in memory of Klaus Sandler; 50th birthday commemorative, Vienna 1995; ISBN 3-9500469-0-9

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Manfred Wieninger : Tell St. Pöltner street names . Löwenzahn, Innsbruck 2002, ISBN 3-7066-2208-4 , p. 224: Entry on Klaus-Sandler-Gasse .
  2. The console 64/1982. St. Pölten (Austria)
  3. in cooperation with the "insel" / VHS, Marl; Ulrich Brack, Head of Department and Norbert Kühne
  4. Karl-Markus Gauß in: The novel that we miss , “das pult extra”, pp. 104-107, Vienna 1995; see below