Black lady

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Black Queen is a card game for four people. The appeal of the game, which is a variant of the Black Cat (card game) , is based on the simplicity of the rules and the tension of who is given the cards of hearts and the queen of spades in his tricks.

The rules


You play with a pack of 52-sheet French playing cards .

Each player receives 13 cards.

The game

The game is played clockwise. The player to the left of the dealer is forehand and leads to the first trick . Like all of the following players, he may play any card. The other players must always the played color use, when they have (even if it's heart is). But you do not need to stab the played cards. Anyone who does not have the suit led can play any other card. For example, it may be useful to the Pik throw -Dame or heart card, so the player who wins the trick, blaming minuses.

There is no trump suit ; the cards are in the usual order: the ace wins the king, the queen the queen, etc.

The billing

After all 13 stitches have been taken, it is settled.

  • Each trick gives ten plus points.
  • In addition, give Pik -Dame or the Heart cards minus points, as the following table all the negative points is shown:
2 2
3 3
4th 4th
5 5
6th 6th
7th 7th
8th 8th
9 9
10 10
Jack 11
lady 26th 12
king 13
Ass 14th

A total of 130 plus and minus points are therefore awarded in one game, so that the balance is always zero.

The lot

After a predetermined number of games, usually five to ten, the game is over. The player with the best balance is the winner.


The rules of this card game have been passed down orally. No written source is known.