List of Latin abbreviations

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Latin abbreviations are still widely used today. The list contains well-known Latin abbreviations .

There are varying spellings in the text. This applies not only to the extent of the abbreviation, but also to upper and lower case letters and the use of abbreviation periods and spaces (for example RIP next to RIP and R.I.P. ). The list indicates a common variant or is limited to a few variants.

Abbreviations of Latin first names can be found in the articles Roman Name # Examples and Roman First Name .

abbreviation Long form Abbr. Dt. Meaning (note)
a. a. ad acta to the files
AC, A.C., loc. Chr. ante Christum v. Chr. before Christ , before Christ
a. Chr. N. ante Christum natum v. Chr. B.C.
a. c. anni currentis running J. current year
AD, A. D. Anno Domini A.D. in the year of the Lord, after Christ
adv. adversus against
a. m. ante meridiem morning
a. pr. anni praesentis / anni praeteriti of the current year / past year
br. m. brevi manu k. H. short hand
c. cum m. With
approx. circa approx. roughly, round, roughly
Cal. Calendae Calendar
cf. confer see. compare; see also cp.
c. l. citato loco a. a. O. at the place quoted, at the place indicated
c. p.
( also: cet. par.)
ceteris paribus all other things being equal
cp. compara see. compare; see also cf.
c. q. casu quo in this case; here
cr. currentis (anni) of the current year
cr. circiter ugf. approximately; nearly
c. t. cum tempore "with time"; at the university: start on the hour + academic quarter of an hour (e.g. 2.15 p.m.)
CV curriculum vitae resume
dext. dexter the right one
DG, DEI GRA Dei gratia by God's grace (part of the medieval and early modern titulature)
D. O. M. Deodorant Optimo Maximo the best and greatest god
DS, DS deinde scriptum “Written afterwards”: replaces a second signature under a postscript
DV Deodorant volente sGw. God willing
ead. eadem this. same
e. g., ex. gr. exempli gratia z. B., e.g. for example, for example, by way of example
et al. et alii u. a. and others (people) (see quote ); but not "and other", see "etc."
Etc. et cetera etc., etc. and so on
et seq .; Pl .: et seqq. et sequens ; Plural: et sequentes , et sequentia u. f. and the following; Plural: and following / following
FD, FID DEF Fidei Defensor Defender of the Faith (often on British coins, numismatics )
i. a. inter alia u. a. amongst other things
ibid. ibidem ibid. ibid, ibid ( quote )
id. idem that. the same, the same ( quote )
i. e. id est d. i., d. H. that is, that is
i. flag., i. flagr. in red-handed in the act
inject. injectio Injection, injection
INRI Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
Lime. Kalendae Calendar
lat. lateralis (-e) laterally
l. c. loco citato at the place already quoted
N. B. nota bene mind you
N. N. noun nescio "I do not know the name"
noun nominandum "[Still] to be mentioned name"
nem. con. nemine contradicente without contradiction, without dissenting vote
op. opus Work (in connection with the number from the catalog raisonné of a composer)
op. cit. opere citato in the quoted work ( quote )
p. pagina S. Page (when specifying page numbers), if there are several pages, optionally p. or pp.
p. a. per annum annually yearly
p. d. per diem daily Every day
per per. per procurationem in the name and on the authority of
p. m. post meridiem in the afternoon
P. M. Pontifex Maximus
pp. paginae S. Pages (in front of page numbers if several pages are specified, optionally also just p. )
pp. perge perge etc. Synonymous with etc. , especially in court language
PP praemissis praemittendis “With pre-sent” (i.e. one might assume that the title has been pre-sent), in circulars instead of the names and titles of the individual recipients
PRN pro re nata as needed
PS, P. S. post Scriptum NS “After what has been written” (note / addition after signature), see postscript ; Postscript, postscript
q. d. quaque the daily daily, every day
q. e. quod est what means what means
q. e. d. quod erat demonstrandum w. z. b. w. what was to be proven ( evidence )
q. e. f. quod erat faciendum what to do
q. v. quod vide s. d. see this, see there
REG Regina Kgin., Kgn. queen
R. I. P. requiescat in pace May he / she rest in peace, he / she rest in peace
R. P. res publica ( Roman ) republic
RSR talking Saturnia regna "The Golden Age is returning" (ex Virgil, 4th Eclogue 4–8), an abbreviation that has not been deciphered for a long time on late Roman coinage in Britain
s. sive; seu od., o. or
s. a. sine anno no year without year, without year
sinist., sin. sinister the left one
S. C., SC senatus consultum Resolution of the Senate, Senate resolution
senatus consulto "Based on a Senate resolution"
sc., scil. scilicet d. i.e., namely. that is, namely
sec. secundus (-a, -um) 2. second
s. l. sine loco o. O. without location (in references)
sensu lato i. w. S. in a broad sense
s. p. sine pagina o. S. without page number (in references)
sq., sqq. sequentia f., ff. [and] following [page]; [and] the following [pages]
s. t. sine tempore “Without time”, on time; at the university: start on the hour (e.g. 2 p.m.)
S. P. D. salutem plurimam dicit (he) says best greeting, (he) says best greeting
SPQR Senatus Populusque Romanus Senate and people of Rome
sv sub voce, sub verbo "Under the keyword" (when referring to a keyword in a lexicon)
tert. tertius (-a, -um) 3. third
v. versus V. Verse (mostly used by ancient authors); Plural: vv. for versūs (verses)
V visa   "Seen", with the ancient scholars marginal note in texts in the sense of "(pedagogically) useful", "good text passage", modernized as a tick ✓; corresponds to the abbreviation ☧ (XP) for chrestos in Greek texts
v. i. vide infra s. u. see below
v. s. vide supra s. O. see above
vs. versus against
v. v. vice versa vice versa

See also

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