Silver redfish

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Silver redfish
FMIB 39330 Sebastodes brevispinis (Bean) .jpeg

Great Redfish ( Sebastes brevispinis )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Subordination : Scorpionfish relatives (Scorpaenoidei)
Family : Spiny Heads (Sebastidae)
Genre : Sebastes
Type : Silver redfish
Scientific name
Sebastes brevispinis
( Bean , 1884)

Silver redfish ( Sebastes brevispinis ) is a species of spiny head that is found on the North American east Pacific coast and can be found off the coast of Alaska to the coast of the Mexican state of Baja California .


The silver redfish grows to around 70 centimeters long and weighs around 2.8 to 4.5 kilograms. The fish has 9 hard and 15 to 17 soft fin rays , the anal fin consists of 3 hard fin rays and 7 to 8 soft fin rays. The caudal fin is indented. This species is relatively slender and silvery or light brown on the sides. The back of the fish is colored green, brown or dark gray, but the underside is white, cream-colored and can turn orange or pink on the belly. The lips are dark in color and the lower jaw extends further than the upper jaw. The oldest specimen was 82 years old.

Way of life

Silver redfish live in coastal waters at a depth of approx. 350 meters, but specimens have already been sighted at a depth of approx. 0 to 430 meters. These fish stay above the sea floor and form small groups, occasionally they hide in crevices or caves, and young specimens also stay in seaweed . These animals do not undertake longer hikes. They are predatory fish and eat other types of fish, crustaceans and worms. Silver redfish only reach sexual maturity after 10 to 20 years. Fertilization takes place in the mother's body and after the young animals have hatched there, they are released.

Economical meaning

The fish are fished commercially and are of economic importance from British Columbia to Oregon . They are caught primarily with bottom trawls but also with long lines . Since the animals have a closed swim bladder , the fish die in agony while fishing. The gases in the swim bladder expand and thus exert strong pressure on the surrounding organs. The exit of the stomach through the mouth happens and the fish dies. Recreational fishermen rarely succeed in catching the silver redfish. Because the fish reach sexual maturity so late, they are threatened by overfishing . The delicate meat of the fish is reddish in color and is eaten fried, grilled or baked.


supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Antal Vida: 365 fish ; Tandem Verlag 2006, ISBN 3-8331-2070-3 , page 202.
  2. a b European redfish on (English)
  3. a b c d e The silvergray rockfish. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, accessed July 14, 2017 .

Web links

Commons : European redfish ( Sebastes brevispinis )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files