Sebastian Senser

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1706: Execution of participants in the Oberland peasant uprising on Schrannenplatz in Munich
Bavarian popular uprising and Sendlinger Murder Christmas 1705

Johann Sebastian Senser (* around 1665; † 1706 in Munich ) was an iron merchant and Bavarian freedom fighter during the Bavarian popular uprising in 1705.

Johann Sebastian Senser was a Munich councilor and member of the Foreign Council of the Bavarian capital. He was an ensign in the Munich vigilante group. Senser was arrested on December 28, 1705 during the Bavarian popular uprising.

On January 29, 1706, he was beheaded with the sword by the imperial occupiers together with Johann Georg Aberle , Johann Clanze and Johann Georg Kidler on Schrannenplatz in Munich, today's Marienplatz. Johann Jäger , another leader of the uprising, was executed on March 17, 1706.

1878 in Munich - Sendling the Senserstraße named after him.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolf Hartbrunner: 1706 - Murder Christmas, Schrannenplatz - Senser Sebastian iron dealer, Küttler Johann Georg Weinwirt, Clanze Johann Leutnant, Aberle Johann Georg Leutnant in Munich history. Retrieved December 30, 2017 .
  2. Birgit Lotze: The names of the heroes . In: . 2017, ISSN  0174-4917 ( [accessed December 30, 2017]).
  3. Senserstraße - Munich Wiki. Retrieved December 30, 2017 .