Sea battle near Kerch

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Sea battle near Kerch
date July 19, 1790
place Strait of Kerch , Crimea
output Russian victory
Parties to the conflict

Naval Ensign of Russia.svg Russia

Flag of the Ottoman Empire (also used in Egypt) .svg Ottoman Empire


Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov


29 dead,
68 wounded

The sea ​​battle at Kerch took place on July 19, 1790 in the Strait of Kerch between a Russian and a Turkish fleet during the Russo-Turkish War of 1787-1792 . The Imperial Russian Black Sea Fleet under Admiral Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov prevented a Turkish invasion army from landing in the Crimea .

Course of the battle

The Russian fleet under Admiral Ushakov sailed from Sevastopol towards southern Crimea on July 13, 1790, after they had received news that the Ottoman fleet had been sighted there. On July 19, the Russian fleet anchored off the Kerch Strait. In order to find the enemy fleet, smaller vessels were sent out to locate them. At 10:00 the enemy was identified and 30 minutes later the Turkish fleet came into view from the east. Coming from east-north-east with the wind, Ushakov formed a line. The Turks broke up their group formation and formed a line parallel to Ushakov's fleet. As soon as the Russians saw that the Turkish line had only been formed from the ships of the line , Ushakov formed a second line leeward with his six frigates. Between 12 noon and 3 p.m., the opposing fleets fired at each other from a great distance without causing any significant damage. Suddenly the wind turned north-north-east and the Russians drifted towards the Turks. Then the Turks tried to turn away, but hindered each other. Two Ottoman ships collided with each other. The Russians were now heading straight for the Turkish ships with their stern facing them. The Turkish admiral decided to break off the battle and run to the southwest. The exchange of fire broke off around 7 p.m. The Russians pursued the enemy all night. But because of the speed of the Turkish ships, this pursuit was unsuccessful.


The Russian casualties were 29 dead and 68 wounded. The damage to their ships was minor.


This Russian success successfully repelled an Ottoman invasion of Crimea.

Ships that took part in the battle

Scheme of the battle

Russian Empire (Ushakov)

Roshdestvo Christowo 84 ( flagship )
Marija Magdalina 66
Slawa Jekateriny 66
Sw. Pawel 66
Sw. Vladimir 66
Sw. Alexander Nevsky 50
Sw. Andrei Perwoswanny 50
Sw. Georgi Pobedonosez 50
Ioann Bogoslow 46
Sw. Pjotr ​​Apostol 46
Fanagoria 40
Kinburn 40
Legki 40
Perun 40
Strela 40
Taganrog 40
Sw. Ijeronim (bomb)
13 smaller vehicles

Ottoman Empire

Name unknown 74 (flagship)
Melike Bahri 66
8 other ships of the line
8 frigates
36 smaller ships
