Selléeis (Ladon)

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The river, known in ancient times as Selléeis, has its source in the Erymanthus Mountains on the Peloponnese peninsula .

He is mentioned in the Iliad of Homer as "Selléentes" and mentioned several times in the "Geography" of Strabo . According to these authors, on the bank of the river was the city of Ephyra, which is said to have housed the Augean stables , which Heracles had cleaned up .

The Selleeis is generally equated with the Ladon mentioned in Pausanias , which flowed into the Peneios at the gates of the city of Pylos . This is particularly important if you want to correctly determine the geographical location of the much discussed city Pylos in the Eli region .


  • Richard Gaede: Demetrii Scepsii quae supersunt . Dissertation, University of Greifswald 1880 ( PDF version ), pp. 4–7 u. P. 48 (fragment 56).
  • Anna Maria Biraschi: Demetrios skeptical. In: Brill's New Jacoby : The fragments of the Greek historians Part V. Brill, Leiden 2011 ff.
  • John Coleman, Katherine Abramovitz: Excavations at Pylos in Elis (= Hesperia. Supplement volume 21). American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton 1986, ISBN 0-87661-521-3 .
  • FW Putzger: Historical World Atlas. 94th edition, Berlin 1970, pp. 9-10 (map, Ancient Greece - southern part).

Individual evidence

  1. Homer, Iliad 15,531.
  2. Strabo, Geography 7,7,10 (p. 328); 8.3.6 (p. 339).
  3. Ludwig Bürchner : Selleeis 3. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume II A, 2, Stuttgart 1923, column 1320.
  4. Pausanias, Description of Greece 6.22.5 f. See Erich Pieske: Ladon 3. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XII, 1, Stuttgart 1924, column 385.