Sem Benelli

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Sem Benelli (born August 10, 1877 in Prato , † December 18, 1949 in Zoagli ) was an Italian playwright.

Benelli came from a poor family of craftsmen and had to break off his literature studies after the death of his father. He worked as a journalist and translator and wrote his first drama in 1902, which he later rejected. In 1905 his poem Un figlio dei tempi was published .

In the following years, Benelli wrote bourgeois comedies and neo-romantic dramas, the most important of which were La maschera di Bruto (1908), La cena delle beffe (1909) based on a story by Antonio Francesco Grazzini and L'amore dei tre re (1910). He also emerged as a librettist.

During the First World War, Benelli served as an officer in the army. He later became a member of the Partito Nazionale Fascista from which he separated in 1924 in protest against the murder of Giacomo Matteotti . In the 1930s he fought in the Italo-Ethiopian War . Later he finally distanced himself from the fascist ideology with which he settled accounts in Schiavitù (1946) and emigrated to Switzerland.


  • Ferdinando Lasalle , play, 1902
  • La terra , play, 1903
  • Vita Gaia , play, 1904
  • Il mantellaccio , libretto, set to music by Giacomo Setaccioli
  • La morale di Casanova , play, 1906
  • Il sogno di Alma , libretto based on En el paìs violeta by Enrique Prins , set to music by Carlos López Buchardo , 1907
  • Tignola , Comedy, 1908
  • La maschera di Bruto , play, 1908
  • Le cena delle beffe , dramatic poem, set to music by Umberto Giordano in 1909, 1924 ; 1912 German as: "The Meal of Mockers" trans. by Hans Barth
  • L'amore dei tre re , tragic poem, 1910, 1913 set to music by Italo Montemezzi
  • Il Mantellacio , dramatic poem, 1911
  • Rosmunda , Tragedy, 1911, set to music by Rodolfo Zanni (1901–1927)
  • La gorgone , epic drama, 1913
  • Le nozze dei centauri , dramatic poem, 1915
  • Ali , drama, 1921
  • La santa primavera , play, 1923
  • L'amorosa tragedia , dramatic poem, 1925
  • Il vezzo di perle , comedy, 1926
  • Con le stelle , Mystery Play, 1927
  • Orfeo e Proserpina , lyric drama, 1929
  • Fiorenza , dramatic poetry, 1930
  • Eroi , war drama, 1931
  • Madre Regina , revolutionary drama, 1931
  • Adamo ed Eva , Fantastic Comedy, 1932
  • Caterina Sforza , play, 1934
  • Il ragno , comedy, 1935
  • L'elefante , comedy, 1937
  • L'orchidea , comedy, 1938
  • La festa , play, 1940
  • L'incantesimo , libretto, set to music by Italo Montemezzi , 1943
  • Paura , drama, 1947
  • Oro vergine , play, 1949
