Semyon Efimovich Belosyorov

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Semjon Jefimowitsch Belosjorow ( Russian Семён Ефимович Белозёров ; * February 6, 1904 , † 1987 ) was a Russian - Soviet mathematician and specialist in the field of the history of mathematics . He was a professor , candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and director of Rostov State University from 1938–1954.


Semyon Belosjorow studied at the village school Kulikovo (today Kalachinsky Rajon of Omsk Oblast ). In his youth he worked as a shepherd in his village. He enrolled at RabFak at the age of 18 and then graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Saratov State University , where he began to work as a teacher.

In 1938 he was appointed director of the Rostov State University and remained in that post during the most difficult years of the university. In 1939, under the direction of Professor Mark Vygodskij, he defended his dissertation on "From the history of the theory of the functions of a complex variable". He was one of the first scientists in the USSR to specialize in the field of the history of mathematics (which was considered ambiguous by Soviet academic circles at the time), particularly studying the history of the theory of analytical functions . He was the author of a number of scientific papers and monographs, including The Major Stages in the Development of the General Theory of Analytical Functions (1962) and Five Famous Problems of Antiquity (1975).

He laid the foundation for a thorough study of the history of Saratov State University and was the author of various publications on the subject. For many years he held the special lecture "History and the modern theory of famous problems of antiquity" at Rostov University.

He died in 1987.

Individual evidence

  1. Экскурс в историю Куликовской школы - Виртуальные экскурсии - Каталог статей - Краеоведческий мелог Куслайвослеский музей Куслеай мелей Куслеведческий музеведческий мелеведческий музейведческий мелеведческий мелеведческий мелог статей - . Retrieved February 5, 2018.
  2. a b c d Земляки. Знаменит Калачинск именами . Retrieved February 5, 2018.
  3. a b Читать онлайн "Записки натуралиста" автора Водяницкий Владимир Алексеевич - RuLit - Страница 31 . Retrieved February 5, 2018.
  4. С. БЕЛОЗЕРОВ: Ростовскому государственному университету имени В. М. Молотова - 85 лет .
  5. Южный федеральный университет . Retrieved February 5, 2018.