Berwick Prize

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The Berwick Prizes are mathematics prizes of the London Mathematical Society (LMS), which are named after the former Vice President of the LMS William Edward Hodgson Berwick (1888–1944). The Senior Berwick Prize and Berwick Prize are awarded alternately (i.e. every two years).

The Berwick Prize was formerly (until 1999) the Junior Berwick Prize . It is awarded in odd-numbered years. The award winner must be a member of the LMS, must not belong to the Royal Society and must not have had a career as a post-doctoral mathematician for more than 15 years. Winners of the Senior Berwick Prize, the De Morgan Medal , the Whitehead Prize , the Senior Whitehead Prize , the Naylor Prize and the Pólya Prize are excluded. The prize is awarded by the LMS for outstanding mathematical work published in the previous eight years. The first prize was awarded in 1947.

The Senior Berwick Prize is awarded for outstanding work by a member of the LMS that was published by the LMS in the eight years before. The individual must not have received the De Morgan Medal, the Naylor Prize, the Senior Whitehead Prize, or the LMS Pólya Prize. It is given in even-numbered years. The first prize was awarded in 1946.

Senior Berwick Prize

Berwick Prize

Web links

  1. LMS Senior Berwick Prize 2020 - Thomas Hales. In: London Mathematical Society , June 4, 2020, accessed June 14, 2020 .