Graham Robert Allan

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Graham Robert Allan (born August 13, 1936 in South Gate , † August 9, 2007 in Cambridge ) was a British mathematician who dealt with analysis and especially Banach algebras .

Allan studied from 1954, interrupted by two years of military service, in a radar station at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University , where he received his doctorate in 1963 under Frank Smithies (Contributions to the theory of locally convex spaces). He was then a fellow at Churchill College in Cambridge and from 1967 lecturer at the University of Newcastle . From 1970 he was a professor at the University of Leeds . In 1978 he returned to Cambridge in the lower position as a lecturer, on the one hand because he did not like the administrative work and also because he was more stimulated there by the students. In 1980 he became a Reader and in 1985 Director of Studies at Churchill College, of which he was Vice President from 1990 to 1993. In 2003 he retired.

In 1969 he received the Junior Berwick Prize from the London Mathematical Society .

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