September Revolution in Portugal

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With September Revolution are in the history of Portugal the events of early September 1836 referred to the loss of power Cartista and the takeover of a setembristischen brought government with it.


After the end of the Miguelista War , the Liberals, i.e. the victorious proponents of a constitutional monarchy in the Kingdom of Portugal , split into two main wings:

  • the Cartists , who represented the conservative, right-wing liberal part of liberalism, and on the question of which constitution the country should have, were loyal to the constitutional charter of 1826 . Its leading representatives were the dukes of Palmela , Saldanha and Terceira ;

Since the end of the Miguelistenkrieg in 1834, Queen Maria II had exclusively appointed cartist governments, some of which violently suppressed the Setembrists. Meanwhile, popular support from the Setembrists grew stronger.

The September Revolution

In 1836 the Cartesian head of government, the Duke of Terceira, had the Portuguese parliament dissolve the Cortes and call for new elections. These were won by the cartists. Setembrist MPs were only elected in Porto and Viseu .

However, this result did not reflect the true mood of the people (elections were regularly manipulated in Portugal at that time, in any case only a small part of the population was eligible to vote). On September 11, 1836, the newly elected Cortes were to be opened in Lisbon . On September 9, 1836, the Setembrist MPs from Porto, headed by Manuel da Silva Passos, arrived in the Portuguese capital. They were received triumphantly by the people of Lisbon. The National Guard, which had long been a hoard of Setembrist ideas, took advantage of this popular mood and launched a coup against the Cartist government. This sent troops against the rebels, but they fraternized with the Setembrists. As a result of this development, the Queen was forced, very much against her will, to dismiss the Cartist government and appoint a new, Setembrist cabinet.


The September Revolution drove the Cartists out of the Portuguese government for seven years. In modern political terms, one could speak of a "shift to the left" in the country's politics. The constitutional charter was repealed, the constitution of 1821 was reintroduced, and later (1838) a completely new, extremely democratic constitution was passed. The Setembrists used the time of their government to initiate a number of important reforms that modernized the country. Only in 1842, with the coup d'état of the later Marquis of Tomar , this phase of Portuguese history was ended and the Cartists took over power again.