Sergei Jakowlewitsch Lemeschew

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Sergei Jakowlewitsch Lemeschew

Sergei Yakovlevich Lemeshev ( Russian Сергей Яковлевич Лемешев * June 27 . Jul / 10. July  1902 greg. In Staroje Knjasewo , Tver province , † 26 June 1977 in Moscow ) was a Soviet opera singer.

life and work

From 1921 to 1925 Lemeschew studied at the Moscow Conservatory and then worked in Sverdlovsk and Tbilisi . In 1931 he was accepted into the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater and stayed there until 1965. In 1940 he played a taxi driver in the film "Musykalnaja Istorija", who was accepted at the Bolshoi Theater thanks to his singing talent.

In 1941 Lemeschew was among the first to receive the Stalin Prize , and in 1948 he was honored as a People's Artist of the USSR . He also received the Order of Lenin , the Badge of Honor of the Soviet Union and medals.

The tenor was popular in all classes and nations of the USSR. In particular his execution of:

  • "Oh, ty duschetschka" / "Ах ты душечка",
  • "Ty postoj, postoj krasawiza moja" / "Ты постой, постой красавица моя" and
  • "Dicitencello Vuje", Russian: "Skazhite, dewuschki podruzhke waschej" / "Скажите, девушки, подружке вашей"

are popular in Russia and known outside of Russia.

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