Serguey Petcov

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Serguey T. Petcov ( Bulgarian Сергей Петков Sergej Petkow ) is a Bulgarian physicist who deals with theoretical elementary particle physics. He is a professor at SISSA in Trieste .

He deals with neutrino physics and related physics, in particular with the properties of massive neutrinos and implications for physics beyond the Standard Model and in astrophysics, mass generation of neutrinos, the MSW effect , generation of baryon asymmetry ( leptogenesis scenario of baryogenesis ) and Nature of CP violation , nature of neutrinos as Dirac or Majorana particles .

Petcov was a student of Bruno Pontecorvo in Dubna . He was at INRNE (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy) in Sofia and is also at Kavli IPMU in Tokyo.

In 2010 he received the Bruno Pontecorvo Prize for fundamental contributions to neutrino propagation in matter, and processes and Majorana properties of the neutrino (laudation).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. biographical data, publications and Academic pedigree of Serguey Petcov at, accessed on 31 December 2017th
  2. Pontecorvo Prize for Petcov, Kavli IPMU