Sexaginta Prista Bay

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Sexaginta Prista Bay
Waters Exasperation Inlet
Land mass Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
Geographical location 65 ° 24 ′ 5 ″  S , 62 ° 6 ′ 0 ″  W Coordinates: 65 ° 24 ′ 5 ″  S , 62 ° 6 ′ 0 ″  W
Sexaginta Prista Bay (Antarctic Peninsula)
Sexaginta Prista Bay
width 6.5 km
depth 4 km

The Sexaginta Prista Bay (English, Bulgarian залив Сексагинта Приста saliw Seksaginta Prista ) is a 6.5 km wide and 4 km long bay at the Oskar-II. coast of Graham Lands on the Antarctic Peninsula . It is located as a side bay of the Exasperation Inlet southwest of Delusion Point and northeast of Radovene Point . The bay was formed as a result of the break-up of the Larsen Ice Shelf in 2002 and the subsequent retreat of the Mapple Glacier .

The bay was surveyed in 2012. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2013 after the Roman settlement Sexaginta Prista , which is now in the urban area of Rousse in northeastern Bulgaria .

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