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Sextilia († 69 AD ) was the mother of the Roman emperor Aulus Vitellius .

Sextilia was perhaps the daughter of the Duovir Marcus Sextilius , the son of a Quintus Sextilius (i.e. from the family of the Sextilius ) and Fabia, daughter of Publius Fabius from the family of the Fabians .

She was the wife of the three-time consul Lucius Vitellius , to whom she gave birth to the sons Aulus (* 12) and Lucius (* 15). Aulus was one of the emperors in the year of the four emperors in 69 , Lucius supported his brother as emperor during his reign. After Aulus was made emperor, he gave his mother Sextilia the title of Augusta . However, as Suetonius reports, she seems to have feared rather than felt honored with every promotion of her son because of the extremely unfavorable horoscope of Aulus. She died in 69, a few days before her son Aulus was toppled and killed with his brother.

Suetonius describes Sextilia as "a very capable woman of not insignificant descent", and Tacitus as "an honest mother with ancient customs".



  1. CIL 10, 6661 ; on this Max Fluß : Sextilius 11 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume II A, 2, Stuttgart 1923, Col. 2035.
  2. Tacitus , Historien 2,89,2.
  3. ^ Suetonius, Vitellius 3.2.
  4. Tacitus, Historien 3.67.
  5. Suetonius, Vitellius 3: ... Sextilia probatissima nec ignobili femina ... ; Tacitus, Historien 2,64,2: et pari probitate mater Vitelliorum Sextilia, antiqui moris ...