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The Kashmiri pundit Śākyaśrībhadra or Khache Panchen Shakya Shri (* 1127 (?); † 1225 ) was a famous Kashmiri scholar of Tibetan Buddhism . He is the author of a chronology of Buddhist history from the year 1207, which he compiled in Thangpoche .

According to his calculation, the Parinirvana of Sakyamuni occurred in 544 BC. Chr.

He founded the Sakya monastery of Tshongdu Tshogpa ( Tshong 'dus tshogs pa ; Chinese Congdui Cuoba si 葱 堆 措 巴 寺 ) in Chanang (Dranang) in the lower Drachi Valley, which originally belonged to the Kadam School of Tibetan Buddhism , as well as the establishment of the monastery Tse Tsetshog in Nêdong (Nedong).

Sakya Pandita Künga Gyeltshen (1182–1251) was one of his students.

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References and footnotes

  1. T. kha che pan chen shakya shri ; Chinese Kaqie Banqin Shijia Shili 喀 且 班 钦 · 释迦 室 利 , short: Kaqie Banqin 喀 且 班 钦 "Kashmiri Pandit"
  2. Tib. Bstan rtsis (Chin. Fojiao dashi ji 佛教 大事记 )
  3. Tib. Thang po che ; Chinese Tangboqie
  4. In India there are usually two ways of calculating the parinirvana of Sakyamuni, three in the Han (Chinese) areas and over twenty in Tibet (Dungkar Lobsang Thrinle, p. 2, note).
  5. On the monasteries, cf. Gyurme Dorje; Sebastian Ballard; et al; Tibet handbook with Bhutan; bath 1996; ISBN 090075169X
  6. cf. Keith Dowman; The power-places of Central Tibet: the pilgrim's guide; London, New York 1998, ISBN 0-7102-1370-0
  7. also Tse Tsokpa etc., T. rTse tshogs pa ; Chinese Ze Cuoba 泽 措 巴