Shenzhou 10

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Mission emblem
Mission emblem
Mission dates
Mission: Shenzhou 10
COSPAR-ID : 2013-029A
Spacecraft: Shenzhou
Launcher: Long march 2F
Crew: 3
Begin: June 11, 2013, 09:38  UTC
Starting place: Jiuquan Cosmodrome
Space station: Tiangong 1
Coupling: June 13, 2013, 05:11 UTC
Decoupling: June 25, 2013
Landing: June 26, 2013, 00:07 UTC
Landing place: Inner Mongolia
Flight duration: 14 d 14 h 29 min
Earth orbits: 229
Rotation time : 91.2 min
Apogee : 346 km
Perigee : 336 km
◄ Before / After ►
Shenzhou 9
Shenzhou 11

Shenzhou 10 was the tenth manned spacecraft testing mission in the Chinese space program . The crew consisted of three Taikonauts and spent 12 days on board the Tiangong 1 space station . For this mission, the Tianlian network, completed on July 25, 2012, was used for the first time , a system of then three relay satellites in geostationary orbits that can transmit data to each other and to the ground and thus enable communication with spacecraft that have no direct contact have a ground station.


The crew was selected in March 2013 (it was the former reserve team for Shenzhou 9 ) and publicly announced on June 10, 2013:

The names of the members of the substitute team have not been published. Unofficially, the Taikonauts Commander Liu Boming and the Operators Deng Qingming and Pan Zhanchun were the reserve crew .

Mission history

The mission started on June 11, 2013. During the two-day approach to the space station, the three space travelers celebrated the dragon boat festival on board with traditional Zongzi rice balls. The coupling with the space station took place on June 13th at 05:11 UTC, the changeover at 06:17 UTC.

On June 20, Wang Yaping held a space lesson for Chinese students, during which she performed various physical experiments and thus demonstrated the influence of weightlessness. 330 pupils in Beijing were connected directly via video conference, and the live broadcast was followed on television in more than 80,000 Chinese schools.

On June 23, the three spacemen boarded the Shenzhou spaceship, disconnected from Tiangong 1, and moved 140 m away from the space station. The new approach was hand-controlled by Nie Haisheng. After Shenzhou 10 had docked again at Tiangong 1, the crew again transferred to the space station.

On June 26, the spacecraft landed unscathed in Inner Mongolia.


  1. Railway data to Shenzhou 10. n2yo, June 13, 2013, accessed on June 13, 2013 (English).
  2. 刘 爽 、 田雅文 、 蒋立 正: 载人 航天 空间 交会 对接 工程 荣获 国家 科技 进步 特等奖. In: January 10, 2014, accessed January 28, 2020 (Chinese).
  3. 张晓光 : 航天 员 张晓光 的 成长 故事 …… In: January 12, 2020, accessed July 12, 2020 (Chinese).
  4. Astronauts of Shenzhou-10 mission meet press. In: June 11, 2013, accessed on July 14, 2020 .
  5. Shenzhou 10 astronauts celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in space. Shanghai is June 12, 2013, accessed June 13, 2013 .
  6. ^ Daniel Maurat: Shenzhou 10 arrived at the Heaven Palace., June 13, 2013, accessed on June 13, 2013 .
  7. Taikonaut Wang Yaping gives physics lesson from space. China Radio International, June 20, 2013, accessed June 21, 2013 .
  8. Astronauts re-enter space module after successful manual docking. (No longer available online.) Xinhua, June 23, 2013, archived from the original on July 5, 2013 ; accessed on June 24, 2013 .
  9. Shenzhou 10 capsule hits Inner Mongolia. In: June 26, 2013. Retrieved June 26, 2013 .