Sibylle Bauer

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Sibylle Bauer in 2017

Sibylle Bauer (born November 2, 1957 in Böblingen ) is a German prehistorian . She heads the Dendrolabor Trier and is chairwoman of the Eifel regional association of the Rhenish Association for Monument Preservation and Landscape Protection .


Sibylle Bauer studied Prehistory and Early History , Provincial Roman Archeology and Soil Science from 1978 to 1984 at the Universities of Munich, Mainz and Kiel. After an internship abroad at the Laboratory for Dendrochronology of the Office for Archeology of the City of Zurich, she completed her master's degree in 1984 with a thesis on the dendrochronological dating of the Late Bronze Age bank edge stations in the canton of Zurich and obtained her doctorate in 1988. phil. with Georg Kossack in Munich with a settlement archaeological work on the Lake Zurich area during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages .

From 1988 to 1993 she was employed as a research assistant in the DFG project "Feuchtbodensiedlung Pestenacker" of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation under the direction of Guntram Schönfeld . During this time, she set up the dendrochronological research laboratory of the state office and headed the wood laboratory of the DFG research excavation in the Neolithic wetland settlement of Pestenacker, Landsberg / Lech district.

In 1993 Sibylle Bauer started her own business and founded her own dendro laboratory in Heidelberg, with which she moved to Trier in 1995. Her larger projects included the processing of the wood finds from the Saalburg Roman fort and from prehistoric and Roman Mainz as well as building historical studies at the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Maulbronn Monastery and Cathedral in Worms , in the Schwetzingen, Rastatt and Favorite castles of the Baden-Württemberg State Palace Administration , in the old town of Heidelberg, in Trier, Echternach (GH Luxemburg) and in numerous smaller towns in Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

Sibylle Bauer has been volunteering in the Rhenish Association for Monument Preservation and Landscape Protection since 2003, and since 2010 as chairwoman of the Eifel Regional Association, which promotes the history and preservation of the cultural landscape in the Eifel with scientific colloquia and excursions.

Sibylle Bauer is married and has two daughters.

Works (selection)

Sibylle Bauer has written numerous articles on individual archaeological and dendrochronological issues in specialist journals, such as Archeology in Germany , The Archaeological Year in Bavaria , Archaeological Correspondence Sheet , reports from the Bavarian Academy for Monument Preservation , reports on finds from Baden-Württemberg , Archaeological Journal in Mainz , communications from the German Society for Archeology of the Middle Ages and modern times , Rheinische Heimatpflege, among others, published. She also wrote articles for local calendars and yearbooks, for commemorative publications, symposia and exhibition catalogs.

  • Arena, arena cellar and city wall after the excavations 1891-1912 In: Hans-Peter Kuhnen (ed.), Amphitheater (Trier) I. Excavations and research 1816 - 1996 With contributions by Sibylle Bauer, Evamarie Bange-Goddard, Bruno Kremer, Hans- Peter Kuhnen, Stefan F. Pfahl and Marcus Thiel. (= Archeology from Rhineland-Palatinate. No. 2) Rahden / Westf. 2017.
  • The Pestenacker wetland settlement: wooden structures, settlement phases and forest use during the Altheim culture. In: Ludwig Husty, Michael M. Rind , Karl Schmotz (eds.): Between Münchshöfen and Windberg. Commemorative publication for Karl Böhm (= International Archeology. Studia honoraria. 29). Leidorf, Rahden / Westf. 2009, ISBN 978-3-89646-429-3 , pp. 177-204.
  • Dendrodata from secondary use: the sheet pile walls of the Mainz Roman Bridge and their afterlife. In: Mamoun Fansa , Dirk Vorlauf (ed.): Wood culture. From prehistoric times to the future. Ecology and economy of a natural raw material in the mirror of experimental archeology, ethnology, the history of technology and modern wood research (= series of publications of the Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch. 47). von Zabern, Mainz 2007, ISBN 978-3-8053-3763-2 , pp. 272-280.
  • Roman raft timbers and barrels from Mainz. On the trail of the raftsmen and cooperatives in Upper Germany. In: Ludwig Wamser , Bernd Steidl (ed.): New research on the Roman settlement between the Upper Rhine and Enns. Rosenheim Colloquium 14. – 16. June 2000 (= Archäologische Staatssammlung München. Series of publications by the Archäologische Staatssammlung. 3). Greiner, Remshalden-Grunbach 2002, ISBN 3-935383-09-6 , pp. 207-221.
  • with Hans-Peter Kuhnen : Early Celtic sacrificial finds from the upper castle near Egesheim, district of Tuttlingen. In: Amei Lang, Hermann Parzinger, Hansjörg Küster (eds.): Cultures between East and West. The East-West relationship in prehistoric times and its influence on the development and change in the cultural area of ​​Central Europe. Akademie, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-05-002390-2 , pp. 239-292, (Georg Kossack on his 70th birthday on June 25, 1993).
  • House research 5500 years ago: the oldest dendrodated houses in Bavaria. In: Dendrochronological dating of conifers in house research. Southern Germany and neighboring areas. International symposium in the open-air museum of the district of Upper Bavaria ad Glentleiten, May 18, 1990 (= Freundeskreis Freilichtmuseum Südbayern eV series of publications. 10). Freundeskreis Freilichtmuseum Südbayern, Großweil 1991, ISBN 3-924842-77-9 , pp. 99-107.
  • with Michael Hoppe: The first wood finds of the Chamer group. New results of the rescue excavation in the end-Neolithic settlement near Dietfurt ad Altmühl. In: The archaeological year in Bavaria . 1990, pp. 41-42.
  • Settlement archeological investigations in the Bavarian Altmoränengebiet - the valley edge settlement Pestenacker. In: Report of the Roman-Germanic Commission . 71, 1990, pp. 334-354.
  • Landscape and building culture. Reports of the Rheinischer Verein - Regionalverband Eifel. Volume 1-3, 2008-2013.

Individual evidence

  1. Dendrolab Trier.
  2. ^ Himmerod 7 Verlag - Our authors.
  3. Sibylle Bauer: The wet soil settlement Pestenacker. In: Husty et al. (Ed.): Between Münchshöfen and Windberg. 2009, pp. 177-204.
  4. S. Bauer: Settlement archaeological investigations in the Bavarian Altmoränengebiet - the valley edge settlement Pestenacker. In: Report of the Roman-Germanic Commission. 71, 1990, pp. 334-354.
  5. ^ S. Bauer wood finds from seven wells of the fort vicus Saalburg - possibilities and limits of dendroarchaeological evaluation. In: Saalburg yearbook. 55, 2005, ISSN  0080-5157 , pp. 192-259.
  6. S. Bauer: From a large company to a small workshop - the structural change in the Roman cooperage from a dendroarchaeological point of view. In: Mainzer Archäologische Zeitschrift. 8, 2009, ISSN  1431-0910 , pp. 21-40; S. Bauer: Ephemeral property on the Rhine - Mainz timber trade in Roman times. In: Hans-Peter Kuhnen (ed.): Abgetaucht, aufgetaucht. River finds, from history, with their history (= series of publications by the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. 21). Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Trier 2001, ISBN 3-923319-48-7 , pp. 31–42.
  7. S. Bauer: The plank doors of the Maulbronn monastery church. Dendrochronologically dated evidence of medieval woodworking between the 12th and 15th centuries. In: Andreas Diener, Joachim Müller, Matthias Untermann (Red.): Timber construction in the Middle Ages and modern times (= communications of the German Society for Archeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. 24, ISSN  1619-1471 ). German Society for Archeology of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, Paderborn 2012, pp. 171–198, doi : 10.11588 / dgamn.2012.1.17155 .
  8. S. Bauer: 100 years of the Rheinischer Verein - an interim report from the Vulkaneifel. In: Rheinische Heimatpflege. Vol. 44, No. 1, 2007, 50 ff.