Sickle vanga

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Sickle vanga
Sickle vanga

Sickle vanga

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Vanga shrike (Vangidae)
Subfamily : Vanginae
Genre : Falculea
Type : Sickle vanga
Scientific name of the  genus
I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , 1836
Scientific name of the  species
Falculea palliata
I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1836

The Sichelvanga ( Falculea palliata ) is a passerine bird in the family of Vangawürger (Vangidae).


The sickle vanga is the largest of all vanga stranglers with a weight of 32 cm and 106–119 g. Its characteristic, unusual, strongly curved, blue-gray beak can be up to 70 mm long. The head (with brown iris and black orbital ring), neck, throat and throat as well as chest and belly are white, back and top of tail are black to dark bluish in color. The strong legs are dark gray to pale blue. Both sexes look the same.


The sickle vanga are often seen in groups or "mixed flocks" together with other vangas, then mostly with white-headed vangas . He looks for food consisting of insects and beetles in tree holes, epiphytes and under tree bark.

distribution and habitat

This endemic species belongs to the monotypic genus Falculea and lives in Madagascar , its habitat are tropical dry forests and plantations in the north, west and south of the country.

The breeding season is between October and January. Females have several males who also take care of the rearing of the young.

Hazardous situation

The stock is not considered to be at risk ( least concern ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c F. Hawkins, R. Safford, A. Skerrett: Birds of Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands. Helm Field Guides, 2015, ISBN 978-1-4729-2409-4
  2. a b c d Handbook of the Birds of the World
  3. IUCN Redlist Falculea palliata in the IUCN Red List, accessed on 31 December 2016th

Web links

Commons : Sichelvanga ( Falculea palliata )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files