Siegfried Kahlbaum

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Siegfried Kahlbaum (born November 28, 1870 in Görlitz ; † October 2, 1943 ibid) was a German psychiatrist , head of the psychiatric institution in Görlitz and medical council.


He was a son of the psychiatrist Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum (1828-1899) and the Elizabeth born Hecker. Kahlbaum attended high school in Görlitz, studied after graduating from high school in 1890 at the University of Würzburg and the University of Munich . In 1895 he became a medical doctor. He then worked as a volunteer doctor in Adolf Plettner's clinic in Dresden . From July to October 1896 he worked as a freelance assistant in the Sonnenstein psychiatric institution with Georg Ilberg . From October 1896 to March 1897 he was a volunteer in the hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf with Theodor Rumpel . In April 1897 he became an assistant at the psychiatric clinic in Warsaw with Carl Wernicke . After the death of his father in 1899, he took over the management of the psychiatric institution in Görlitz (Dr. Kahlheim Sanatorium). He was a medical councilor and author of several psychiatric publications. From 1902 he was married to Käthe Schmidt (1882-1970), later they divorced. He had a daughter, Sophie (born 1905). He died after a stroke and was buried in the family grave in the municipal cemetery in Görlitz (grave S-053).

Selected Works

  • About a case of Carcinoma ventriculi et peritonaei . Munich: Weiss'sche Buchdruckerei, 1896
  • About curative educational methods in the treatment of the mentally ill. In: Report on the 4th Congress for Curative Education . Springer, Berlin 1929
  • Appropriateness of setting up special departments for the nervous and mentally ill with affiliation to sanatoriums . Nornen-Verlag, 1927
  • Occupational therapy in institutions for the nervous and mentally ill of the educated and better-off circles . Psychiatric-Neurological Weekly 30, ss. 94-98, 1928
  • Report on the sanatorium Dr. Kahlbaum-Görlitz from 1855 to 1930 . Psychiatric-Neurological Weekly 32 (28), p. 320-325, 1930
  • Sanatorium Dr. Kahlbaum, Görlitz, in the years 1855–1930 . Goerlitz, 1930


  1. ^ Genealogical handbook of the nobility . Ostsee, CA Starke, 1979, p. 68 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  2. Tomb of Dr. Bald tree. (PDF; 0.4 MB) Action group for Görlitz e. V., archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on June 5, 2018 .


  • R. Englbrecht: On the death of Medical Councilor Dr. Siegfried Kahlbaum . Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift 45 (45/46), 1943, pp. 269-270.
  • Alma Kreuter: German-speaking neurologists and psychiatrists: a biographical-bibliographical lexicon from the forerunners to the middle of the 20th century . Walter de Gruyter, 1995, pp. 681-682.
  • Karl John: In memory of Medical Councilor Dr. Siegfried Kahlbaum . Zeitschrift für psychische Hygiene 17, 1943, pp. 60-64 ( limited preview in the Google book search).