Siegfried von Lüttichau

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Siegfried Graf von Lüttichau (born June 10, 1877 in Matzdorf , district of Löwenberg in Silesia , † December 10, 1965 in Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth ) was a Lutheran pastor and chairman of the association.


Siegfried Graf von Lüttichau was born in Matzdorf, Silesia. Ordained in 1905 and assistant preacher in Berlin, he was pastor and embassy preacher in Constantinople from 1907 to 1918 and then pastor of the Trinity Church in Berlin . From 1925 to 1949 he was pastor and head of the Diakonissenanstalt Kaiserswerth . From 1932 to 1952 he was also chairman of the Kaiserswerther Association and President of the Kaiserswerther General Conference .

Count von Lüttichau was a military chaplain in the First World War, he supervised a. a. the team of SMS Goeben and the German units fighting in the Battle of Gallipoli .

From 1933 to 1939 (resignation) von Lüttichau was a member of the NSDAP .


  • Turkey and we Germans. Lectures and speeches about German work in the Orient. in: Annual books of the German Evangelical Congregation in Constantinople. Festschrift for the 75th anniversary of the community. Born 1916-1917 and 1917-1918. Berlin undated [1919?], Pages 10-75
  • Good News: The Beatitudes; An interpretation of Matth. 5, 1-12 in sermons. 2. through u. change Ed., Berlin: Zillessen 1920
  • Reconstruction on the Golden Horn. 2nd edition, Leipzig: Central Board d. Evang. Association d. Gustav Adolf Foundation 1925 (The Evangelical Diaspora: Supplements; No. 8)
  • Diary pages from the First World War , in: Harald Graf v. Lüttichau: Contributions to the family history of the lords, barons and counts v. Liège, Volume 3.1 ; Kirchheim / Teck 1993
  • Letters and Writings , in: wo, Volume 3.2; Kirchheim / Teck 1995


  • Hannelore Braun, Gertraud Grünzinger: Personal Lexicon on German Protestantism 1919-1949 , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, ISBN 3525557612
  • Heide-Marie Lauterer : Charitable activity for the national community: The Kaiserswerther Association of German Deaconess Mother Houses in the first years of the Nazi regime. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1994

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Wolf: Gallipoli 1915: The German-Turkish military alliance in the First World War: 2008, Report-Verlag Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3932385292