Siegfried von Venningen

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Siegfried von Venningen († 1393 ) was an imperial knight from the family of the Lords of Venningen . He was German Master of the Teutonic Order from 1382 to 1393 .


Siegfried von Venningen was the son of Siegfried von Venningen, who was married to Adelheid von Flehingen in his first marriage and Guta von Mentzingen in his second marriage . It is not known from which mother Siegfried came.


Siegfried von Venningen is mentioned in the sources in 1371 as Commander of the Teutonic Order in Weißenburg in Alsace . In 1379 he was Komtur on Horneck and Stocksberg and from 1382 German Master of the Teutonic Order. During his tenure, he had to settle disputes between the Rhenish and Swabian League of Cities and the princes of the empire several times .

Within the family he settled a dispute in 1392 with his brothers Albrecht († 1397) and Eberhard († approx. 1401) between Anna von Angelloch , Conrad von Talheim's widow , and Conrad von Venningen, from the Daisbach branch of the family, about the property in Zuzenhausen .
