Silara Mullajanovna Khasanova

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Silara Mullajanowna Chassanowa ( Russian Зилара Муллаяновна Хасанова ; born December 5, 1935 in the village of Novomuslyumovo, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ) is a Soviet - Russian plant physiologist and university teacher .


Khassanova studied in Ufa at the Bashkir State University (BaGU) with a degree in 1959. She then worked as a biology teacher in the middle school of her home rajons and in the Bashkir Oblast Committee of the CPSU .

In 1966, Khasanova became head of the specialist training section at BaGU. In 1972 she moved to the Bashkir Agricultural Institute as an assistant . In 1973 she successfully defended her dissertation on the influence of an electric field generated by a constant current on some physiological and biochemical processes and the harvest of spring wheat for her doctorate as a candidate in biological sciences.

In 1973 Khasanova became dean of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute, where she headed a chair from 1980 to 1988 and was appointed professor in 1989 . In 1992, she was from St. Petersburg All-Russian Vavilov her doctoral dissertation -Institute for agriculture to defense on the effects of an electric field on properties and crop yield of spring wheat to the doctor doctorate in biological sciences. In 1995 she was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan . In 1997 she was honored as an Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Chassanowa's field of research was plant physiology . She investigated the effects of electromagnetic fields and corona discharges on the behavior of seeds of agricultural crops with regard to morphological peculiarities during and after germination . She is the author of around 200 publications and supervised 10 doctoral and candidate dissertations.

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Individual evidence

  1. Башкирская энциклопедия. т. 7. Ф-Я . науч .. изд. Башкирская энциклопедия, Ufa 2011.
  2. a b c d Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan: Хасанова Зилара Муллаяновна (accessed July 17, 2020).
  3. Хасанова З. М .: Влияние электрического поля постоянного тока на некоторые физиолого-биохимического поля постоянного тока на некоторые физиолого-биохимического поля постоянного арохимические процесрсы. дис. на соиск. учен. степени канд. биол. наук: (03.00.12) . Башк. гос. ун-т им. 40-летия Октября. Биол. фак., Ufa 1973.
  4. Хасанова, Зилара Муллаяновна: Действие электрического поля на морфофизиологические особенвоские особенв шоские осебенв шоские осебенвоские:. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. д.б.н . ВАСХНИЛ, ВНИИ растениеводства им. Н. И. Вавилова, St. Petersburg 1992.