Silpha carinata

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Silpha carinata
Silpha carinata

Silpha carinata

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Carrion beetle (Silphidae)
Subfamily : Silphinae
Genre : Silpha
Type : Silpha carinata
Scientific name
Silpha carinata
Autumn , 1783
Fig. 1: Sensor

Silpha carinata is a beetle fromthe carrion beetle family and the subfamily Silphinae . Occasionally it is called the Strongly Ribbed Straight Rail Carrion Beetle .

The species is classified in the Red List of Endangered Species in Germany and in Bavaria under Category 3 (endangered), in Schleswig-Holstein it is on the warning list as a potentially endangered species.

Notes on the name

The species was first described in Herbst , 1783. Herbst writes, among other things: The edge of the cover shields ( wing covers ) is raised very strongly in the shape of a channel, the three lines are a bit high. This is probably why he calls the species carinata ( Latin keeled).

The generic name Silpha comes from old Gr. σίλφη sílphe. The term was used to describe cockroaches and smelly insects. The species of the genus smell unpleasant.

The genus Silpha has seven species in Europe and nine species worldwide.

The species or local varieties have been described several times,

  • by Otto 1891 Silpha austriaca
  • von Reitter 1901 Silpha bilineata , Silpha Blattiformis , Silpha rufocincta and Silpha carpathica
  • by Odenberger 1917 Silpha croatica
  • by Stephans 1830 Silpha griesbachiana
  • from Kuster 1851 Silpha italica
  • by Portevin 1926 Silpha jeanneli
  • by Marsham 1802 Silpha recta
  • by Smetana 1952 Silpha tatrica
  • by Gemlin 1790 (at Linnaeus) Silpha trilineata
  • from Kolenati 1846 Silpha armeniaca
  • von Kuster 1851 Silpha atropurpurea

Characteristics of the beetle

The body is only flat arched, pronotum and elytra together form an oval outline. The beetle reaches a length of 10 to 20 millimeters. The body is brown-black to black, the top is hairless.

The head is not elongated and the mouthparts point forward. The upper lip is broad and curved in the middle. The outer edge of the upper jaw is already slightly convex from the base . The right upper jaw ends in one tooth, the left with two teeth. The antennae are eleven-limbed, limbs two to seven are increasingly less stretched, the eighth limb is noticeably large and bell-shaped, followed by the three more hairy and therefore matt end limbs, which form a loose club.

The broad pronotum covers the base of the elytra. It is flat, the front edge clearly outlined, the rear corners broadly rounded. It's tightly dotted .

The wing covers are out of the seam rib three clearly elevated, unpunktierte ribs, but neither reach the rear edge nor the front edge of the wing covers. The edge of the wing cover is offset. This throat is noticeably widened in front of the pronotum. At the rear end, the wing covers are rounded together. The label is large, triangular and slightly convex near the base, with a concave point towards the rear .

The legs are strongly built. The tarsi are five-part. In the male, the first four limbs of the anterior tarsi are somewhat expanded and tomentose below .


The larva is slice-shaped and lives on carrion.


The palaeartically distributed species occurs almost everywhere in Europe. In the south it is absent in Spain , Greece and the Mediterranean islands . It is common in Central Europe, usually rare, but sometimes common. To the east the distribution area extends to Mongolia .


  • H. Joy, KW Harde, GA Lohse: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas , Vol. 3. Spectrum Academic publishing house in Elsevier, Munich 1966, ISBN 3-827-40683-8

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Silpha carinata in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved December 24, 2010
  2. a b Red Lists at BioNetworkX
  3. JFW Herbst: Critical Directory of my Insect Collection Archive of Insect History 4, 5 1783-1784 First description of the species, page 34
  4. Sigmund Schenkling: Explanation of the scientific beetle names (species)
  5. Sigmund Schenkling: Explanation of the scientific beetle names (genus)
  6. Silpha at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved March 20, 2013
  7. Species of the genus Silpha at BioLib

Web links

Commons : Silpha carinata  - collection of images, videos and audio files