Silvia Polla

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Silvia Polla (* 1976 ) is an Italian classical archaeologist and specialist in the new field of archaeoinformatics .

From 1996 to 2002, Silvia Polla studied Classical Archeology as well as Prehistory and Protohistory at the University of Trento and the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg . Since 1997 she has been a research assistant in several research projects in the Mediterranean and Alpine regions, where she has worked on archaeological prospecting and excavations as well as on topographical recordings. She was involved in ceramics documentation in Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey, Italy and Switzerland. From 2002 to 2005 Polla was a doctoral scholar at the University of Siena , where she was involved in the Prehistory and cultures of the Roman provinces program. In the meantime, she was also a scholarship holder of the École Normale Supériore Lettres et Sciences Humaines in Lyon in 2003/04 . In 2005/06 Polla was a technical employee at the University of Trento. From 2004 to 2007 she was a lecturer in Trento and at the University of Venice . She received her doctorate in May 2006. In 2006, Polla became a research assistant at the Karman Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Bern , where she worked on a cartography project. In 2008/09 she was employed in a postdoctoral program in the Topoi Cluster of Excellence at the Free University of Berlin , where she has been a junior professor for archaeo-informatics since April 2009, representing a new area of ​​research.

Polla's research focuses on scientific and computer-aided methods in archeology, survey techniques and high-resolution terrain analyzes, geographic information systems (GIS) and quantitative methods in landscape archeology (GIS-based spatial analysis and modeling of diachronic land use and movement) as well as the possibilities for integrating GIS-based ones and agent-based modeling.

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