Silvia Rannamaa

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Silvia Rannamaa (born March 3, 1918 in Tallinn , † April 19, 2007 there ) was an Estonian writer .

life and work

Silvia Rannamaa was born in the Estonian capital with an Estonian mother and Finnish father . The parents' marriage broke up early on. Rannamaa attended a girls' high school in Tallinn. In 1943/44 she studied at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Tartu .

As a writer, Silvia Rannamaa became known to a wider audience primarily through her youth stories Kadri (1959) and Kasuema (1963; filmed under the title Naerata ometi! 1985). Both works have been translated into numerous languages ​​of the Eastern Bloc . From 1964 Rannamaa belonged to the Estonian Writers' Union .

Later, Rannamaa's lyrical fairy tales Nösperi Nönni Natuke (1977) and the short story collection Väikese käpa jälg (1985) appeared. In 2005, her collection of poetry, Sinule, ema! released. In addition, the play Äratõmbed (1968), the collection of novels Kui lapsed mõtlema hakkavad (1971) and the animal stories Väikese Käpa Jälg (1985) appeared.

Silvia Rannamaa published two volumes of memoirs: Maast madalast (1990) and Ja vaimuvara ka (1998).

Private life

Silvia Rannamaa was married three times, most recently to the Estonian writer Harald Suislepp (1921-2000).

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Eesti elulood. Tallinn: Eesti entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 406