Simeon II (Patriarch)

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Simeon II or Shimon ben Gamliel the Elder ( Hebrew רבן שמעון בן גמליאל הזקן, * around 10 BC Chr .; † 70 ) was a Jewish patriarch .


According to Jewish tradition, Shimon ben Gamaliel was a direct descendant of King David . The patriarch was a tannait , i. H. a second generation Mishnah writer . After the death of his father Gamaliel I in 50, Simeon II took over the office of Nasi and at the same time became prince of the Sanhedrin . He later became head of the Pharisees and was killed in the revolt against Rome in AD 66–70 . His tomb was found in Kafar Kana in northern Israel and has been a place of pilgrimage ever since.

The sayings of the fathers contain statements from Shimon ben Gamaliel as well as from his father Gamaliel I.
