Simon Kiern

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Simon Kiern (born August 13, 1913 , †  May 28, 1946 in Landsberg am Lech ) was SS-Hauptscharführer and used as a block leader in the Dachau concentration camp .


Kiern, a trained saddle maker, was married and had two children. Kiern was a social democrat between 1929 and 1932. From the beginning of October 1932 to the beginning of March 1936 he was a member of the Reichswehr , which traded as the Wehrmacht after the introduction of compulsory military service in March 1935 . He was then briefly a civilian again and, according to his own statements, was drafted into the SS in 1937 . As a member of the news troops , he was transferred to Dachau, where he was employed as a trainer in the news troops until 1939. He was then transferred to Czechoslovakia and returned to the Dachau concentration camp in 1941, where he again worked for the telecommunications service until July 1941. He was then employed as block leader and clerk in the office of the protective custody camp leader Egon Zill until the beginning of November 1942 in the camp commandant's office and then in the post office until the beginning of December 1942, where he was also responsible for censoring letters . Because of the theft of ten cigarettes from a letter, he was imprisoned in the Dachau camp prison for six weeks and then imprisoned in Munich until mid-1943. From there he was transferred to the SS penal camp in the Danzig-Matzkau prison camp and assigned to the Wehrmacht on February 12, 1945 for probation at the front. He later withdrew and returned to Dachau, where he was imprisoned by the SS for a day. On April 30, 1945, Kiern was arrested by members of the US Army .

On November 15, 1945 Kiern in Dachau main process , in response to the Dachau trials took place when war American US by a military court indicted and on 13 December 1945, 35 other co-defendants to death by the strand convicted. In the judgment, the mistreatment of inmates, participation in three executions and the killing of one inmate were taken into account as individual acts of excess in Kiern . The sentence was carried out on May 28, 1946 in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Holger Lessing: The first Dachau trial (1945/46). , Baden-Baden 1993, p. 321