Simon Simon

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Simon Simon (born January 31, 1857 in Allschwil , † April 27, 1925 in Bern ) was a Swiss topographer .


Map of the Oetzthaler and Stubaier Group, created in 1893 by S. Simon for the German and Austrian Alpine Club

Simon went to school in Basel and Neuchâtel , studied civil engineering at the Eidgenössisches Polytechnikum from 1875 to 1877 and attended lectures in topography , geodesy , geology and military science without a degree . From 1884 to 1891, Simon recorded six sheets of the Topographical Atlas of Switzerland , the Siegfried Map . From 1885 he made panorama-like experimental shots with a phototheodolite . In later years he worked as a freelance topographer . From 1893 to 1899 he created topographic maps in Tyrol for the German and Austrian Alpine Association . He also created a relief of the Jungfrau massif and, together with Joseph Reichlin , from 1886 to 1914 a large relief on a scale of 1: 10,000 for the Bernese Oberland .

Simon was also a free thinker .

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Jud, Martin Rickenbacher: Simon, Simon. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. Georges salt : S. Simon, engineering topographer, 1857 - 1925, member of the local branch of Bern FVS in: intellectual freedom , Volume 4 (1925), Issue 5. doi: 10.5169 / seals-407214