Simon Wolferinus

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Simon Wolferinus was a pastor at the St. Andreas Church in Eisleben .


Wolferinus had studied with Luther and Melanchthon in the winter semester of 1529/30 and was therefore personally known to both reformers. He was appointed master's degree in 1534 and in 1540 at the St. Andrew's Church in Eisleben. In 1543, in a dispute among the pastors in Eisleben, Wolferinus represented theses that had been written by Melanchthon without Luther's knowledge, but that found Luther's disapproval. It was about the consecration (blessing) of bread and wine in Holy Communion and the importance and scope of the act of communion instituted by Christ ( Actio Sacramentalis ). Luther gave a precise definition of this, which is of fundamental importance for the Lutheran understanding of the Lord's Supper. It was not until 1544 that Luther learned that it was Melanchthon who was behind the theses of pastor Simon Wolferinus. Luther's disappointment in this lies behind his sharp words in his “Brief Confession” of 1544.

In 1546 Wolferinus left Eisleben, he later worked in Heldrungen and Freiburg an der Unstrut .


  • Jürgen Diestelmann : Actio Sacramentalis. The administration of Holy Communion according to the principles of Martin Luther in the period up to the formula of the Concord. Gr.Oesingen 1995.
  • Jürgen Diestelmann: Usus and Actio. Holy Communion with Luther and Melanchthon. Berlin 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Martin Luther: The letters . Ed .: Kurt Aland (=  Luther German. The works of Martin Luther . Volume 10 ). 2nd Edition. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983, ISBN 3-525-55612-8 , pp. 430 (Letter No. 326, 3894).