Simone Pacoret de Saint Bon

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Simone Pacoret de Saint Bon (born March 20, 1828 in Chambéry , Savoy , † November 25, 1892 in Rome ) was an Italian admiral and Minister of the Navy.

Military career

At the age of 14, Pacoret de Saint Bon joined the Navy as a cadet in 1842.

In 1866 he fought under the command of Admiral Carlo di Persano Pellion in the naval battle of Lissa and bravery became due Rear Admiral promoted. Politically active throughout his life, de Saint Bon reached the climax of this part of his career in 1873 when he was appointed Minister of the Navy.

As such, he suggested building battleships of unprecedented size instead of the previous warships, and he was able to enforce this by virtue of his office.

When the Consorteria , the party of Camillo Benso von Cavour lost its majority in 1876, De Saint Bon resigned with almost all party colleagues. As a member of the opposition, he was a staunch opponent of his successors in office, Benedetto Brin and Ferdinando Acton .

Pacoret de Saint Bon was later promoted to Vice Admiral and appointed Chief of the Naval Department in Naples . With effect from February 15, 1891 de Saint Bon was again appointed Minister of the Navy in the Di Rudinì government and held this office until May 10, 1892, which he also took over in the first Giolitti government on May 15, 1892. He died at the age of 64 on November 25th of the same year.

In January 1889, De Saint Bon was appointed Senatore del Regno .

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