Simplício dos Santos Mendonça

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Simplício dos Santos Mendonça (born May 21, 1979 in Dili , Portuguese Timor ; † June 2019 ) was an East Timorese administrative officer.

In 2009/2010 Santos was the administrator of the sub-district Cristo Rei in the state capital Dili . In 2015 he graduated from Universidade Nasionál Timór Lorosa'e (UNTL) with a degree in economics and public administration . From 2016 until his death in 2019 he was administrator of the Dom Aleixo administrative office , where almost half of Dilis live with over 130,000 inhabitants. He was married and had four children.

Individual evidence

  1. UNDP: FINAL REPORTStrengthening Institutional Structures and Mechanisms for Dialogue June 2008 - October 2011 , p. 146, accessed on June 13, 2019.
  2. Governmant of Timor-Leste: “The NSDP comprises the basic infrastructures for the population needs” , September 13, 2010 , accessed June 13, 2019.
  3. Ministério da Administração Estatal: Hafoin Hakotu I'is iha Tersa Feira ne'e, Mate isin Administrador do Postu Dom Alexo Simplicio do Santos, antes atu halot iha Semitériu Becussi ba dala uluk, halao misa iha Igreija Becora, hafoin Kontinua lori ba ba Administrativu Dom Alexu, Kontinua ba Autoridade Munisipiu Dili, no ikus Lori ba Eskritóriu Ministériu Administrsaun Estatal hodi fo homenagem ikus nian. , June 13, 2019 , accessed June 13, 2019.