Sinea spinipes

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Sinea spinipes
Sinea spinipes - dorsal view

Sinea spinipes - dorsal view

Family : Predatory bugs (Reduviidae)
Subfamily : Harpactorinae
Tribe : Harpactorini
Genre : Sinea
Type : Sinea spinipes
Scientific name
Sinea spinipes
( Herrich-Schäffer , 1846)

Sinea spinipes is a species of bug from the family of predatory bugs (Reduviidae).


The brownish colored bugs are 12 to 14 millimeters long. They have a slender head, a somewhat widened abdomen and thickened anterior femora . The top of the head and the anterior femora are provided with sharp thorns. In contrast to the related, similar species Sinea diadema, there are blunt, wide bumps instead of thorns on the top of the pronotum . The legs of Sinea spinipes are provided with light, light brown and dark brown ribbons.


The species occurs in the Nearctic . In the United States, it is represented east of the Rocky Mountains. Furthermore, their range extends to Mexico.

Way of life

The bugs are considered beneficial insects . They predatorily feed on various insects, some of which are viewed as agricultural pests . Their prey includes phytophagous bugs such as Chinavia hilaris , Chlorochroa sayi and Proxys punctulatus . The bug type is univoltin . The adult bedbugs can be seen from mid-April to early September. The typical habitat of the bug species is formed by the edges of the forest, forest aisles and open fields near the trees. The nymphs go through five stages to become an adult bug. They can be observed from the beginning of June to the end of September. The adult bugs hibernate .


The addition of the name spinipes is derived from Latin and means “legs with thorns”. In English, the bugs are also called Spiny Assassin Bugs ("thorny murder bug").

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Species Sinea spinipes - Spiny Assassin Bug . Retrieved February 7, 2017.
  2. a b Sinea spinipes (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) . Retrieved February 7, 2017.
  3. Russell F. Mizell III: Stink Bugs and Leaffooted Bugs Are Important Fruit, Nut, Seed and Vegetable Pests . University of Florida IFAS Extension. Retrieved February 7, 2017.
  4. ^ Predator Records: List by Predator Species . North Dakota State University, Fargo. Retrieved February 7, 2017.
  5. a b c d e Rachel A. Shurtz, JE McPherson: Life History and Laboratory Rearing of Sinea spinipes (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) with Descriptions of Immature Stages . Annals of the Entomol. Society of America 98 (1): 18-36. 2005. Retrieved February 7, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Sinea spinipes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files