Sinjin Smith

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Sinjin Smith Volleyball (beach)
birthday May 7, 1957
place of birth Los Angeles (California), USA
size 1.91 m
partner 1979–1981 Karch Kiraly
1981–1993 Randy Stoklos
1995–2001 Carl Henkel
1989/90 - FIVB Tour Champion
1990/91 - FIVB Tour Champion
1991/92 - FIVB Tour Champion
1992/93 - FIVB Tour Champion
1996 - 5th place at the Olympic Games in Atlanta
1999 - 7th place at the World Championships in Marseille
(As of September 8, 2011)

Christopher St. John ("Sinjin") Smith (born May 7, 1957 in Los Angeles , California ) is an American volleyball player . He is considered a co-founder of the modern beach volleyball game . Sinjin Smith dominated beach volleyball with his partner Randy Stoklos from 1981 to 1993. The overall victories of the first four FIVB World Tours in 1989/90 , 1990/91 , 1991/92 and 1992/93 also went to Smith / Stoklos. On the AVP tour, Sinjin Smith was voted "best defender" from 1990 to 1992. At the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta he reached fifth place with Carl Henkel .

In 2003 Sinjin Smith was inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hall of Fame ( Memento of the original from May 16, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /